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Digital bangladesh vision 2021 essays

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Summary of Nielsen’s opinion of digital vision 2021 higher education and the public school system. Neilsen criticizes present-day higher education for economic growth essay being one-dimensional. Digital 2021 Essays? He implies that students no longer see the whole picture but instead, they are limited to their own fields of choice (Nielsen 17). This writer agrees to the extent that colleges and obama universities are becoming more and more specialized, following the trends in modern-day work. However, it seems that Nielsen (Bloom) is too hasty in generalizing that because of this, students no longer see the bangladesh 2021 essays, whole picture. Dissertation Histoire? He assumes too much without presenting any evidence other than, perhaps, personal experience. Nielsen and 2021 Bloom would also presume that it is only through the study of liberal arts and classic literature that students can discover the truth. This statement is certainly too speculative and it offers no clear explanation of how and why they present this position. Nielsen and Bloom are overly critical of modern-day education without taking into account the technological and attitudinal changes of that are happening everywhere in the world. They fail to recognize that communication channels are almost limitless and people learn from one another even if they are hundreds of research miles apart. They fail to mention that people today have more access to more literature and ideas that ever before. People are no longer limited to physical libraries but they can extract terabytes of ideas and opinions through their home computer. The free worldwide exchange of ideas is providing more learning than any physical educational institution could ever hope to provide. We are now in an age of self-education and traditional limited modes of education are slowly losing their place in both the 2021, academic world and outside. Nielsen also criticizes the public school system for their poor level of reading and writing instruction, forcing colleges and universities to conduct remedial English classes (Nielsen 9). This might be true to a certain extent but once again, neither Neilsen nor Bloom offers a reliable source of information. They presume that just because people watch more television than in the past, they are less intelligent. It is dissertation, true, however, that educators must recommit themselves to digital bangladesh vision 2021 essays, excel in teaching the basics (the three R’s) correctly. Why would Nielsen argue that students should take both arts and sciences? Quoting Bloom, the article says that “a good program for liberal education feeds the student’s love of truth and passion to live a good life” (Nielsen 17). Nielsen and Bloom believe that it is not enough to train people to economic growth essay, become excellent in their chosen fields. They also need have a well-rounded education that offers “pathways to the good life of wisdom and virtue” (Nielsen 2). They also criticize universities for cultivating the bangladesh vision 2021, idea of moral relativism in the minds of the students (Nielsen 4). They say that student direct their lives according to principles which they find comfortable and that they no longer seek for absolute truths. Student would instead seek for truths that are completely dependent upon time and place. Nielsen claims that students today have little or no idealism left because of the histoire, widespread attitudes of tolerance that are brought about by 2021 essays, a narrowly-crafted education (Nielsen 11). Growth Essay? They claim that students are too shallow in their understanding of human nature (Nielsen 5). Without a solid set of morals, values and understanding of right and digital essays wrong, students are left in the dark and are easily swayed by highly popular opinions that are constantly changing. They say that “a good program for equestrian plan liberal education feeds the student’s love of digital vision 2021 essays truth and passion to live a good life” (Nielsen 17). Scathingly means severely critical and obama scornful. To indict means to accuse someone of the commission of digital 2021 essays a crime. In this context, it is more properly understood as to condemn. Put together, this statement means to rubric essay, severely criticize and condemn. In philosophy , moral relativism takes the digital, position that moral or ethical propositions do not reflect absolute and universal moral truths, but are instead relative to social, cultural, historical or personal references (Wikipedia, “Moral Relativism”). Good Research Paper? This means that there is no truth that applies to all persons but only personal truth that is always dependent upon the circumstances of each situation. It defies almost every tenet of fashionable modern thought, and leaves no academic ox ungored. This statement means it (the book) goes against everything popular in the present time and digital vision 2021 essays that it pierces[1] every unintelligent[2] or bull-headed person in the academia. Nielsen uses these words when he talks about how the book was being criticized. Vs Economic Development Essay? He claims that it is vision 2021, offensive to popular thought because of this it has been subject to many attacks from the academic community. How does this affect the tone of the essay? These words deliver a powerful message of intolerance. Good Starters? It shows that the writer is sick and digital bangladesh essays tired of the present system and things have to be changed according to growth vs economic development essay, his recommendations. It also strengthens the stand of the digital bangladesh vision essays, author for being straightforward and unapologetic. His criticisms are sharp and merciless. World? This is in complete contrast to the moral relativism that the bangladesh 2021 essays, author strongly opposes. He makes his criticism absolute without offering any exceptions whatsoever. This fortifies his position because he does not stand down or even sway from growth development essay, his spot. Nielsen and Bloom tell us that the modern education system is flawed. They tell us that the students of today no longer see the entire forest but are merely contented in vision essays sticking to their individual trees . Nielsen sarcastically tells us that “if we are content merely to have our universities train doctors, lawyers, engineers, scientists and other professionals, they are probably serving us adequately” (Nielsen 2). Nielsen implies that modern education is shallow and he claims that the students of today have “no understanding of evil” and business lack an “awareness of the depths as well as the heights of human nature” (Nielsen 5). Neilsen and Bloom also imply that people of the present rely on moral relativism and loose values and that they no longer hold on to or seek for absolute truth (Nielsen 11). Nielsen and digital bangladesh vision essays Bloom provide no evidence of the marking essay, allegedly widespread lack of moral understanding. They rely on limited personal observations and fancy words to digital vision, get their message across. They base their statements on assumptions that are neither accurate nor verifiable. They attack modern liberal thought by the imposition of obama thesis strict conservatism and claim that the old ways are better than the digital essays, new – that you must read the same books that your father read (Neilsen 5). He tells us that “education should make students curious about man’s highest aspirations, as opposed to economic development, his low and common needs” and digital bangladesh 2021 essays that these “can’t be found without consulting the great thinkers and writers of the past” (Nielsen 13). Their obsession with conservative absolutism blinds them of the fact that we now live in a world community. People are no longer limited to equestrian business, the knowledge passed down to them by their parents but they now have access to a virtually unlimited source of information. Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021? The free exchange of research ideas has never been this active before. Bangladesh Essays? The writers of the past can no longer be presumed to research paper, know more exactly because they had less access. The author had the gall to call the modern student “uncivilized” because the schools of today tolerate their “ignorance and paltry aims” (Neilsen 10). He asserts that the modern student is stupid because he has never read a page of digital bangladesh vision 2021 Shakespeare or a verse from the Holy Bible. He fails to acknowledge that truths are always repeated, though in different mediums, in every age. Hundreds of books are being written and printed every day. Thousands of articles and opinions are being uploaded to the internet every single minute. People are given the freedom to disagree with any other person because they are both in search for truth. Tolerance does not mean conceding defeat to business plan, another person’s ideas. It means that each person is given the right to say what he wants to say and think what he wants to think whether or not others agree with him. This does not prohibit any other person from criticizing him. In the digital vision essays, search for truth, this freedom of expression is a gift. It is a something that was not readily available when the Bible or the great books of the past were written. During those times, there was little criticism and little improvement in the way people thought. Wars were fought under the flag of absolute truth. The Shoah of World War II was couched on the absolute belief that the Aryan Race was the superior race and world religion essays that the digital bangladesh vision, undesirable members of statement society must be exterminated. Without criticism and the freedom to speak one’s mind, those who hold power can not be corrected of their gravest errors. Without a healthy tolerance for a multiplicity of ideas, the strong will always impose their values upon the weak or the few. Neilsen and Bloom say that “such openness actually leads to digital vision 2021 essays, closed minds because it makes students incurious about real distinctions between good and between right and wrong, between truth and error, instead of leading them to seek knowledge and certitude” (Neilsen 11). The two writers mistake tolerance for incuriosity or disinterest. To be tolerant is to allow people to speak before they are judged or corrected. It is not about diluting the truth but it is an attempt to find converging paths toward the one same truth. A good example would be in the case of religious truth. Christians and Muslims all over the world will always claim that they belong to the one true religion of God. Religion Essays? They say that the other group is composed of infidels and heretics. They develop this we-they attitude that is fueled by the belief in an absolute truth in bangladesh essays their own personal beliefs. What modern-day liberal thinkers would do is to histoire, find common truths in the teachings of different groups. There can be no real talk of universal truth without a clear survey of literature and digital vision 2021 ideologies from different sources. It is in the spirit of tolerance and a desire for truth that people peacefully questions each other’s ideas and try to merge them into a coherent whole. Economic Vs Economic Development Essay? Tolerance brings peace. Digital? Tolerance brings us closer to the truth. Absolutism is nothing but an arrogant assumption made by the powerful and the wicked. Neilsen and Bloom would also criticize the cynicism that students show toward their history (Nielsen 18). It is economic development, clichГ© that “history is written by the victors”. It is the great and unquenchable search for bangladesh 2021 truth which leads students to read about history in the point of obama thesis statement view of the defeated. The students of the bangladesh vision 2021 essays, past would usually shy away from reading the Mein Kampf or accounts of Japanese soldiers during the days of World War II. Today, people are more curious about marking for research essay, these things because they are no longer judged for reading such unpatriotic material. Alternative accounts of a famous event are no longer dismissed as “distortions of the truth”. It is the search of digital bangladesh 2021 essays understanding the very depths of human nature that these students try to dissect and comprehend the motivations of great leaders who, through consistent and biased historical accounts, have been branded as “evil”. Dissertation Du Droit? People no longer take things at face value because they are now more aware of the endless possibilities for human error. Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021? Different points of view can color a medieval warrior as a hero or a barbarian based on the writer’s preference. Ideas cannot be trusted on research starters, their own. It is the free exchange of multiple ideas that helps humankind to understand its own greatness and misfortune. Nielsen and Bloom criticize the digital bangladesh vision, universities because they might be able to research starters, “split the vision essays, atom, find cures for the most terrible diseases, and produce massive dictionaries of lost languages” but “cannot generate a modest program for general education for undergraduate students” (Nielsen 17). This statement is ignorant in itself because it presupposes that there is one way of searching for truth. It assumes that those who are not immersed in the liberal arts are doomed to wander the earth in blissful foolishness. It fails to recognize the religion, vastness of the digital vision essays, universe of human learning. People encounter the truth in different ways. Doctors find the idea of good and evil through their experience of death, decline and healing. Good Paper? Lawyers discover this through their understanding of justice and unfairness. Scientists find it in their study of life, creation and destruction. There is no one way to find truth or become curious of vision it. Even people from the same field will never experience life, love, good, evil, correctness or error in the same way. Absolutism destroys the uniqueness of the individual human being and keeps them herded into groups that will inevitably destroy the weak or be absorbed by rubric for research, the powerful. In the end, it will be a matter of taste. Perhaps, people crave for the call of traditional education where life was simpler where people were jacks of all trades . Other might perhaps desire a more specialized form in education because they desire to find truth in a specific form and manner. The important thing is to understand that a single person or a group of persons can never claim to have discovered absolute truth. This is the province of humankind in its entirety. Any yet, ironically, it is through the freedom of individual expression that this can be made possible. As for Bloom and Neilsen, their dreams of rewinding time are, perhaps, nothing more than a desire to bring back the bangladesh vision 2021 essays, good old days. People will continue to either agree with them or reject them. The important thing is du droit, that they were given the chance to say what they wanted to say. This is the beauty of tolerance. “Gore.” MSN Encarta Dictionary. 2006. Digital Bangladesh Essays? Microsoft. 9 June. “Moral Relativism.” Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia . Wikimedia. Foundation. 9 June 2006 <>. Nielsen, Robert. The Closing of the (North) American Mind . “Ox.” MSN Encarta Dictionary. 2006. Microsoft. 9 June. [1] To gore is to obama thesis statement, pierce with a horn or a tusk. (Encarta Dictionary, “Gore”) [2] An ox normally means a male or female bovine animal. Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021 Essays? However, in this context, it is used to refer to somebody who is regarded as unintelligent and clumsy, especially somebody with a large build (Encarta Dictionary, “Ox”). University/College: University of California. Type of paper: Thesis/Dissertation Chapter. Date: 16 April 2017. Let us write you a custom essay sample on The Closing Of The American Mind. for only $16.38 $13.9/page. Haven't found the Essay You Want? Get your custom essay sample. For Only $13.90/page. 3422 Old Capitol Trail, Suite 267, Wilminton, DE 19808, USA.

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Get via App Store Read this post in our app! Software Test Automation - Masters Thesis [closed] i am trying to write a thesis about Software Test Automation. I plan to compare the two Approaches of Recording and Programming of Test Scripts, and to discuss about several Automation Frameworks, for example Abbot, Selenium, Yemmy, FEST, etc . Digital Essays! Also in my Thesis will be a short overview about thesis, Softwaretesting Techniques and maybe a comparison of automated testing to software testing. EDIT: I am planning to the aspects of vision essays, testing an Application over it's GUI. So my Tests would be mostly on the Blackbox Side of the testing world. Vs Economic Development! I have not planned to write about Unit Testing. At the Moment i read pretty much about the different Automation Frameworks, but i may not have the time to review all of them. So i plan to read about digital bangladesh 2021 essays, them and make the Thesis more literature - based. Do you think this Topic could be successful? Do you have any other Ideas concerning this Topic? Can you reccommend Literature? What is your Opinion about this Topic? closed as not constructive by Greg Hewgill, bmargulies, Ryan Bigg, Ben D, Ryan Doherty Oct 31 '12 at 1:14. As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for vs economic development guidance. Digital Bangladesh Vision 2021! If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question. A survey of the literature should be a fine focus for a MS thesis. It sounds like you want to just talk about black-box GUI-driving customer-facing tools, which is marking for research essay a reasonably small niche. You /might/ want to have a page or two on the whole world of test tools - unit testing, security, load, etc, as someone mentioned above. Digital Bangladesh! But I think you targeted your niche pretty well. I would think with a 6-credit thesis you should have plenty of time to explore and try out some of the bigger commercial and open-source tools as well as survey the economic development literature. Vision 2021 Essays! I would encourage you to look into both commerical tools (quick test pro, test complete) and also keyword-driven automation - selenium RC, for example. Someone else mentioned testing "behind the GUI" eg FIT/Fitnesse, it might be worth discussing and evaluating. I cover black-box, functional test automation in my monthly column in the December 2008 issue of software test and economic vs economic essay performance magazine: That's the one page scratch-the-surface introduction. Vision Essays! The five-sentence introduction is that screen record/playback tools compare everything, so if your GUI changes at obama thesis statement, all, in any way (even if you just change the screen resolution) that can come back as a false error. Keyword-driven tools only check what you tell them to check - they miss if a button is suddenly disabled for no good reason or an icon is not transparent. Only a human is good at checking that hidden assertion at the end of every test case ". and digital bangladesh nothing else strange happened." So computer-based test execution and good evaluation can have some value, but it should be part of 2021 essays, a balanced breakfast. Other things to look into: James Bach's "Software Test Automation Snake Oil" Kaner, Bach and Pettichord's book "Lessons Learned in Software Testing" My blog post on economic growth development essay, test Frameworks - (it's the number 4 google result for "what is a test framework", so I'm comfortable recommending it) The minefield analogy ( ) The papers of Doug Hoffman on bangladesh vision, test automation: The classic "shelfware" problem of test automation The anti-intellectualism pushed by some proponents of the blackbox test automation community Kaner's Black Box Software Testing Course James Bach's work on economic development essay, /cognitive/ testing Context Driven Software Testing Jon Kohl's work on "Man and Machine", or the cyborg approach (instead of computer-alone test execution and evaluation) I hope that helps. Software Test Automation is digital vision 2021 essays a big topic, and you may want to narrow your focus rather than attempt to cover a mix of equestrian business plan, frameworks, playback/record, overview of techniques, automated vs. not. Entire books have been written about software test automation: As a general topic Focusing on functional/feature tests (FIT) Focusing on unit tests Focusing on unit tests using one particular language and framework. Frameworks are aimed at different types of testing: Unit testing Test-Driven Development Behavior-Driven Development Feature/Functional testing GUI testing (Windows, Java GUIs, X Windows, etc.) Web testing Performance Testing Security Testing. I would consider focusing on frameworks (or techniques, or whatever) in one of these areas rather than trying to digital 2021 essays, cover them all. Or pick a couple of paper starters, these areas and contrast them. The issue of playback/record vs. handwritten tests seems old to me. In the 1980's vendors liked to push playback/record for Windows GUI automation. It made for great demos and digital vision 2021 high hopes. But it also made for brittle tests and shelfware. Playback/record is nice to get you started with a tool, but to be maintainable, you generally need scripts written at research, a higher level. That ushered in a new era of spreadsheet and digital bangladesh 2021 essays keyword-based approaches, and equestrian business plan eventually FIT/FitNesse. I don't know about literature, but I think the ACM publications in your school library would probably produce results. Particularly the SIG* newsletters. Vision 2021 Essays! (Perhaps SIGSOFT?) It does sound like a good Master's thesis to essays, me. Of course your thesis advisor is the final word on that. You should go talk to them. As a literature-based review, this makes an 2021 essays excellent topic; there's plenty of material out there. Obviously I'm not going to start to get into all the details of essays, that, since that's your job as the author. :-) However, though I'm not familiar with the original research requirements for a master's thesis, this certainly wouldn't be enough for a PhD thesis. I would look for digital bangladesh 2021 original work you could add to this. One idea would be a taxonomy of testing methods and systems. Economic Growth Essay! You might also examine the digital bangladesh essays role of statement, testing as compared to formal verification. I'd be interested in reading the thesis if it's available online. Worth considering programmatic access to GUI - both web and application. Then there's record and playback tools like Selenium or WatiR. And of course the pros and bangladesh vision essays cons of world essays, automation - limitations of the tools (most can't see into digital vision essays, java applets or flash on webpages, for example) and the most important thing some people forget when automating - NOT everything should be automated! But if at marking rubric essay, all possible for digital bangladesh 2021 essays you to comment on this to notify us when it's done, I'd genuinely like a read. An excellent book on test automation has just been published this year: “Implementing Automated Testing”, Elfriede Dustin, Thom Garrett & Bernie Gauf, Addison Wesley.
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