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Good research paper starters

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Optometry: An Inspired Career Choice. As an admissions adviser, I direct applicants to research paper, resources that will help them with their applications. Here is such an essay topics, article. It is hosted on ASCO’s blog and features three optometrists with distinctively different careers. Here is inspiration for your own essays when answering the question about why optometry is your choice. Here’s ASCO’s blog article: Three ODs discuss what led them to the profession and what keeps them loving it. Do you have an interest in science, medicine or health care but don’t quite know how to paper, turn it into a career choice? Need some inspiration? If you consider optometry as a career, inspiration is not hard to find. Take for example Drs. David McPhillips, Valerie Kattouf and Neil Gailmard, all highly successful Doctors of Optometry who at formal, one time or another were in the same situation as you. Read the entire article on good paper, ASCO’s Website… Do’s and Don’ts of Writing a Memorable & Winning Personal Statement. Maggie Francisco, SCCO, Class of 2016. For all optometry school applicants busy writing personal statements, this article may help. I highly endorse its wisdom. Written by Maggie Francisco, Optometry Student, SCCO, Class of 2016. According to Dr. Munroe, the goal of the personal statement is to show the admissions team mainly three things; 1) your personality, 2) your commitment to optometry, and 3) your passion and motivation that will help guide you through optometry school—the “fire in your belly.” Your GPA and OAT scores will speak for themselves, but the personal statement is your one opportunity to show them who you are and what sets you apart from the sea of applicants they are wading through each day. Journal Topics Creative. What makes you different? What makes you… you? Welcome Back BBQ, pictured here with Dr. Jane Ann Munroe (left), Bridget Anderson (center), and Maggie Francisco (right), both from Class of 2016. These are often tough questions to answer, especially when many of us in the application phase are at the age when we are just starting to figure that out for ourselves. Research. That is why people typically come up with the same or similar, slightly monotonous story—they got glasses when they were little, their grandmother had glaucoma, they liked their optometrist, they had a lazy eye, etc.—and they discovered, “Hey, optometry is pretty cool…” Which leads me to my first “don’t” for writing a memorable and winning personal statement: Yes, these stories are important to how you discovered optometry and essay about nature why it is so important to you. Good Paper Starters. So don’t leave them out completely! But don’t focus too much on it because everyone has glasses or a grandma with glaucoma or a cool optometrist or a lazy eye or something that inspired them to the introduction and effect should, pursue optometry. Use this opportunity to write about your UNIQUE experiences and paper starters don’t feel like you have to linger on thesis on quality of life, your back-story. Good Research. Just mention your story briefly and move on to the good stuff—what have you done to learn about or invest yourself in the optometric profession? What are your goals? Your dreams? That is what they care to read and what makes your story unique. Telling your story seems like it should be the main goal of a personal statement, but you don’t just want to tell them a story—you have to paper on nanotechnology, show them! Paint them a picture, something they can relate to and that tells them more about you than do the paper words alone. Personal Statement Example One: “When I was a child, my pediatrician inspired me to become a doctor because she was smart, nice and always made me feel better. I vowed to be just like her.” (1) Personal Statement Example Two: “I remember the first time I went into my pediatrician’s office: pure fear. Like most kids, the doctors was the last person I wanted to see. On Quality Of Life. The interesting thing is that over the years I started to like Dr. Green because she was not only smart but able to relate with me and paper explain things in the introduction cause essay should, a way I could understand. Good Research. She made scary experiences much more tolerable. I later went on rounds with Dr. Green at the hospital and about nature felt my desire to be a doctor increase. I saw how hard she worked and what was required to be a good physician. The exciting thing is that I found these high standards didn’t scare me; rather, they motivated me to excel in school and become a physician just like her.” (2) Example one simply tells the reader who inspired them and why, but in an extremely generic, unemotional and paper lackluster fashion. Example two, however, shows passion and humanity, all while showing her understanding of what a good doctor does and what type of doctor she would like to be. This is the goal! Show, don’t tell. 3. DON’T Accentuate Your Flaws. One question applicants always ask is, “should I explain why I got those C’s?” or volunteer some information of that sort. The simple answer is just this: don’t do it. The personal statement is vs iliad essay, a venue to show the admissions team what would make you a great asset to good starters, an optometry program, Maggie at the Class of 2016 White Coat Ceremony being congratulated by formal essay nature MBKU President, Dr. Kevin Alexander. so why would you waste a precious word on something that you did wrong? If there is really a valid explanation for paper a slump in your GPA or a strange gap in your academic transcript—there was a death, illness or injury in topics for high school, your family or something of starters a similar, serious nature—there are other ways to essay topics, express this. Paper Starters. Some schools will have a “If there is thesis paper on nanotechnology, anything else you would like the admissions office to know…” section on the application, or in the case of SCCO, you can email an official letter (pdf/doc) to go into your file that can disclose details that did not fit within the rest of the starters application. Feel free to analytical topics, explain yourself in this manner, but definitely don’t feel like you have to. The admissions officers understand that sometimes life happens or a class was particularly hard, so just stick to talking about why you rock! The worst thing you could do in good, a personal statement is to lie or misrepresent yourself. Admissions officers read hundreds of the introduction of a and effect essay should letters each season—they can pick up on insincerity from a mile away. So maybe you didn’t do as much community service or extracurriculars as the next guy. Good Starters. That’s fine! Accentuate the things you did do—your shadowing, your passion. Don’t try to journal topics for high school creative writing, fool anyone with outlandish, highly exaggerated stories. This goes very nicely with rules 3 and 4, but begs to be said. Perhaps you went through some hard times in your life and good research starters you think it this is important to discuss to explain how you came to be who you are now; that’s understandable and commendable. But don’t dwell on it for an entire essay. As said in rule 3, you should be using all the space you have to formal essay about, talk about how great you are, not waste it on describing a sad moment in your life. Research. You can mention your situation and how it changed you, but droning on and complaining about it makes it feel more like a manipulation tactic. Talk about how you grew as a person, how it made you stronger, how it changed your outlook on paper, things, all for the better. And if it has nothing to do with your pursuit of education or optometry, maybe think twice about mentioning it at good paper, all. Most importantly, don’t hide behind a sob story in hopes of gaining the admissions team’s pity. Pity will not get you an acceptance—determination and achievement will always win out. 6. DO Professionally and Unapologetically… Be Yourself! I think I’ve been working toward this main point throughout this article. You have worked hard, you’ve done your research—show them who you are and what you’ve got! Show your personality, while promoting yourself as a professional, competent potential-doctor. DO talk about the important things and what makes you, …you DON’T dwell on of a and effect essay, the negative DO be professional and research paper passionate DON’T be afraid to and effect essay, be yourself! Welcome Back BBQ: Maggie with classmate, Lynn Huffman, right. (1) Fleenor, Jeremiah. The Medical School Interview: Secrets and a System for Success . Paper Starters. Denver, CO: Shift 4 Pub., 2011, 15. (2) Fleenor, Jeremiah. The Medical School Interview: Secrets and a System for Success . Denver, CO: Shift 4 Pub., 2011, 15. 15 Reasons to Date an Optometrist: Great Personal Essay Material! Just for fun, I couldn’t resist posting this! Here’s an article from about why it’s a good idea to date an optometrist. I’ll admit a bias about the of a and effect essay truth to these reasons because I am an good starters, optometrist, but really, this is practical and valid information! Here’s what eHarmony says about optometrists: “They are the wonderful professionals who protect our eyes, ensure our optimal vision, and help prevent disease. Many of the thesis qualities that make these men and women so valuable in their careers translate into personal relationships.” Staff. On second thought, these are great perspectives, qualities, to work into your personal statements! DUH! Aside from the research starters humorous ones, here are the reasons cited in the article that I think are worth consideration when formulating your personal statements: Reason #3. Optometry is a steady field, always needed and in demand. These are professionals who likely won’t have to worry about career prospects and troy financial security. Reason #5. These people have demonstrated perseverance and persistence. Good Research Starters. The training and licensing process requires many years of intense study and testing. Reason #6. Optometrists are in analytical, a serving profession, and helping others is good research starters, a part of thesis on nanotechnology their make-up. That’s a quality that enriches a romantic relationship as well. Reason #7. They know how to handle stress. In today’s health care environment, they must manage busy schedules, comply with complicated procedures, and deal with frustrated patients. Reason #8. Optometrists have strong people skills—they help patients all day long, showing care and compassion. Reason #9. They have opportunities to travel—to conferences, consultations, and continuing-education seminars. Wouldn’t it be nice to tag along? Reason #10. Optometrists know how to deal with a wide range of people—young and old, congenial and cranky. It takes patience and poise. Reason #11. Good Research Paper. These professionals are dependable: many patients rely on them for paper accurate advice. Reason #12. Good Paper. They know how to collaborate. Analytical Essay. Their job requires them to cooperate with colleagues, nurses, support staff, and others. That’s good for you, since romantic relationships are all about collaboration. Reason #13. Research Starters. Optometrists must be good listeners, hearing the troy vs iliad essay concerns of research starters patients. And since “good listener” ranks high among qualities singles want in a partner — this is another bonus. Reason #14. Formal About Nature. With a steady flow of patients every day, optometrists meet all kinds of interesting characters … which will give you plenty to talk about. If you recognize these personality traits in yourself, by all means, use this information to write your essays. I guess it’s not just for fun! Favorite Personal Essay and Interview Question: “What Will You Bring to the Table?” “What contribution do you hope to make to our optometry program and to paper, the optometric profession?” is a question you will most likely to be asked during the application process. How do you answer a question like this? More importantly, why do admissions officers ask this question? What are they trying to find out? What do you bring to the table? Photo credit: On SCCO’s supplemental application, the question is asked like this: “What is the most important contribution you hope to make to the SCCO family?” Customarily, answers to journal for high, this question forecast what you hope to contribute as an optometry student with your time and talents: through student leadership, academic achievement, and student body camaraderie. You will answer the research question about what you hope to contribute based on your track record, your history as a student. But, I want you to dig deeper… Just what DO you have to offer as a student to an optometry program? What are your strengths? What will you bring to thesis paper, the table? To provide a comprehensive answer with tangible examples for this question, I recommend you start by assessing your personality profile, which can be done by using an research, assessment respected by educators, the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). 4th Year SCCO Student, Maggie Jan, at a community clinic… The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment, as described by this Wikipedia article, is a psychometric questionnaire designed to measure psychological preferences in how people perceive the and effect world and good research starters make decisions. MBTI helps you learn how you perceive yourself relative to the world, and how you actualize this perception. Once you understand your strengths, you can articulate in tangible ways what you have to offer as both a student in a program and as an optometrist, a future member of the profession. Here is the flyer with the instructions to take the test (only 30 questions for the short test) and to view your own MBTI profile: Access Myers-Briggs Test * To take the test, you should answer the questions in formal essay, a general way, with answers that apply in most circumstances. Once you know your MBTI profile, you can also use this link to read about your temperament type: Many of you know me as a public speaker, optometrist, an advocate for the profession, and an admissions adviser. Starters. My MBTI is an ENFJ (extrovert, intuitive, feeling, judging). Since you have a sense of who I am, I thought you’d like to see a snippet of my own MBTI profile, which I think correlates nicely with my current occupation: ENFJs are people-focused individuals. They live in the world of troy vs iliad essay people possibilities. More so than any other type, they have excellent people skills. They understand and good research starters care about people, and have a special talent for bringing out the best in others. ENFJ’s main interest in thesis on quality of life, life is giving love, support, and a good time to good, other people. They are focused on thesis on quality of life, understanding, supporting, and encouraging others. They make things happen for research paper starters people, and thesis on nanotechnology get their best personal satisfaction from this. From an article in Time Magazine about good research starters, MBTI. Let’s say I was applying for a job as a counselor and speaker who would be hired to work with pre-optometry students. Imagine what a terrific asset this intrinsic part of my personality would be on an employment application?! It’s tangible evidence of formal about nature how I function, how I am hardwired. Good Research Paper Starters. This is what I want you to learn about yourself by understanding your own profile and then, to discuss in your personal essays and interview. It will give you real, tangible evidence of many qualities you possess but I can guarantee, have not thought of as uniquely yours. Examples might be: rational thinker, problem solver, compassionate, good at strategic planning, a people-person, able to persevere—the list goes on vs iliad, and on. Click here for an infographic about MBTI profiles and how they migh correspond to various professions. I love the study of research starters human typology and have benefited from it in many ways, not only how I understand myself and troy vs iliad essay my own behavior, but how I perceive others. It’s only when you understand your own personality can you then understand the inherent bias in your perception of yourself and your decision-making processes. Good. Once you understand your own unique temperament, you begin to analytical, be aware of how you impact others. You learn to speculate about another’s personality type and adapt your communication style to relate better to your intended audience. Not only good research paper, will you use this information in your personal essays to answer the question about what you will bring to the table, but it will help in the interview when asked this same question. You will speak with intention about your inherent skills and how you expect to topics, apply them as an optometry student and as a doctor delivering patient care. Rather than comparing yourself to research paper starters, others—which never works—why not find out essay about, what talents and abilities are inherently and uniquely yours? This is precisely why the “What will you bring to the table?” question gets asked: to find out if you have been contemplative about this process. Are you aware of, and can you articulate with real examples, the good research paper personal qualities you possess that make you good doctor-material? Do you understand yourself well enough to know what you will eventually contribute to the introduction cause and effect essay, the profession? If not, your MBTI profile is a good place to good research paper, start this discovery process. It can be like mining for gold… If you take the test, I’d love it if you made a comment and put your MBTI profile in nature, the comment section—unless you would indulge me with a little about anything new you may have learned about yourself. I’d REALLY love to hear from you! For more reading, here’s my favorite and very accessible book on the topic: Please Understand Me by David Keirsey and research paper starters Marilyn Bates. Photo credit: Even Harry Potter uses the MTBI! Click here for a infographic with the MTBI temperaments of the troy essay Harry Potter characters. *Disclaimer: this is not an official test. To be official, the test must be administered by a person certified to administer the test. It’s another example of how the research MBTI is recognized in the work place. Here’s an troy vs iliad, article in Time Magazine that makes predictions about earning potential based on one’s MBTI profile. As you interpret the paper data, remember that the Bill Gates and Steve Jobs of the world are the NTs: the thinkers, strategizers and essay visionaries. From the good research starters same Time Magazine article, here’s another terrific infographic with a links to the right about every MBTI profile type and how they function in the workplace: Time Magazine Info Graphic. Dr. Jane Ann Munroe, Director of Admissions for essay nature SCCO. Photo credit: You’re kicking back at a backyard BBQ, enjoying leisurely time with friends and family. Your uncle sits down next to you and paper starters asks, “So, what are you doing with yourself nowadays?” Your mind jolts into high gear and your heart pounds as you think about your busy and stressful summer: studying for essay topics the OAT, shadowing optometrists, trying to starters, get your OptomCAS application submitted. You swallow hard and essay with a deer-in-the-headlights look on your face, you make a stilted and anxious reply: “Not much.” What? Not much. Is that what you want your uncle to think, that you have nothing on your plate—no plan? I didn’t think so. What you need is a better reply to good research, that question—a question that deep down is a question about the troy vs iliad plan for your entire future. Who knows, your uncle could turn out to be on good, your support team. Do you really want him to think you’ve done “not much” all summer? You’re probably thinking, “Gee, I didn’t want to sound like I was complaining or bragging if I actually told him the truth about what my summer was like.” I’ll agree with that logic. So how do you effectively respond? What would be an ideal response to your uncle’s question? You need to have your own “elevator pitch.” The elevator pitch is a time-honored technique traditionally used in the business world by company representatives to promote their enterprises. When I attended my own orientation for grad school and heard a PhD candidate explain how the technique could be used by a grad school student to troy, promote him or herself, I had an “Aha Moment!” I needed to teach this technique to pre-optometry students as a way to promote themselves through the many stages of the admissions process. From answering questions posed by family members to the all-important ones asked by interviewing admissions officers, the elevator pitch will 1) help you clarify your professional goals in your own mind, and 2) to assist you in starters, effectively conveying them to cause, those who will be part of the process and therefore, instrumental to your success. photo credit from and. An elevator pitch is a concise, carefully planned, and good well-practiced description. Thesis. It should be simple, compelling, and delivered in the time it takes to ride up an elevator—hence the name “elevator pitch.” It should comfortably, confidently, and reflexively roll off your tongue without a hint of bragging. Composing the elevator pitch is way too important to research paper, take casually—it must be composed mindfully, to capture your listener’s attention quickly, and hold it until the end. Thesis Paper. Business people, visionaries, and paper starters charismatic people know the value of such a tool to captivate interest and analytical essay communicate common vision. Good Paper. Considering the investment made in a grad school education, in a manner of thinking, serious students are small businesses themselves so why shouldn’t they use the of a essay same tool when communicating their hopes and dreams for their futures? Consider another analogy proffered by Devon Franklin. Franklin is a rarity: a highly successful African-American studio executive. In his book, Produced by Faith , he utilizes an apt word picture to explain a concept that should be important to any serious student: you are the good research starters star of your own movie. On Quality Of Life. He elaborates, “When creating a movie, there is always a development phase, and the same is true in good paper, our lives when we are trying to thesis on quality, reach a goal. The majority of research paper our time is spent “in development,”. . . .”This begins as soon as an idea hits. But in order for us to make the most of our development, we need to have direction or purpose.”. . .“Sometimes you’re going from scene to scene to analytical topics, scene with no idea of good research what your intention is.” . For High School Writing. . .”it’s important in life to know what our motivation is so it gives each scene that we’re in research paper, more purpose than it otherwise would have.” I love this idea. Be the star of essay about nature your own movie! Imagine how a serious student would play that part? What would be his or her motivation for starters dramatizing that specific role? How about dialogue? For proper development, spend time either in your imagination or journaling. Key ingredients will be marketing your movie and troy essay writing the dialogue—that’s where the elevator pitch comes in. Define who you are: write one sentence about who you are. Describe what you do: write one or two sentences that describe your life as a student at good research paper, your current undergrad or grad program. Thesis Paper On Nanotechnology. Identify what is special and unique: Think about why you chose this path for your life—in your case, optometry. Why did you choose to pursue your studies at SCCO? Write one or two sentences that invite your listener into good paper, what is unique about the experience you have chosen. State what you plan/hope to journal topics school creative, do with your education: write one sentence about your hope/plan for research the future. Put it all together: In a paragraph, bring together what you have drafted in the previous steps. Proofread and edit adding transitions, checking for dynamic language, make it more concise where possible…etc. Cause. Refine your draft until you can communicate these things about yourself conversationally. Points to remember: Put some energy into good research paper, it! Be dynamic. You want to communicate passion and analytical essay excitement. Good Research. You want to troy essay, invite your listener to get excited about your goals and interests. Think of crafting the paper beginning of this speech as you would approach writing a paragraph. In your “topic sentence” you want to draw your listener in so that they will be eager to hear more. You are going for concise and dynamic, so think carefully about the language you choose. Use action words and of life avoid jargon. This is good research, something you will want to formal essay nature, be able to memorize and be able to deliver naturally (as if you have not crafted and memorized it). You will want to have the ability to good paper starters, change parts of this speech so that you can have different versions for different contexts (at conferences, in the community, interviews…etc). SCCO has another blogger. She is Allison Takeda, Assistant Director of Admissions, who has posted an article on this topic: Elevator Pitch on essay nature, SCCO’s PA Blog She makes four important points: Know who you are—ask yourself key questions to good research, do some soul-searching before you proceed. Troy Vs Iliad. Practice your timing and paper delivery—there is nothing worse than that frozen-with-panic face you’ll make when you lose your place and analytical essay flub your lines. Research Starters. Keep it fresh—you change with each passing day so make sure your elevator pitch reflects those changes. Of A Cause Essay. Also, your pitch will change depending on the circumstances: job interview, applicant interview, networking, meeting new people, casual versus formal…etc. Always be prepared. I’ll add that you should proactively look for the right opening to deliver your pitch. Heather Huhman on her Personal Branding Blog offers a short template, fill-in-the-blanks style to get you started. The template looks like this: “Hi, my name is __________. I will be graduating/I just graduated from good research paper starters ________________ with a degree in _____________. I’m looking to go on to study ______________. I recently ______________. Essay Nature. Can I take you out for coffee sometime to elicit your advice (or spend time shadowing in with you)?” To read more tips from Huhman, go to: Personal Branding Blog. For more examples of an research starters, elevator pitch, there’s a wide variety–Google the topic for examples. Don’t forget that YouTube has many uploads on journal writing, the topic. Next time your uncle gives you that all-important opening to deliver your elevator pitch, don’t disappoint! I guarantee, should your parents be in earshot, they will beam with pride. Star in your own movie and remember, optometry school is just one in a series of many sequels to come—sounds like you are going to need more elevator pitches! Franklin, DeVon and Tim Vandehey, Produced by Faith : Enjoy Real Success without Losing Your True Self . Nashville, Tenn.: Howard Books, 2011.

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