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Steps to write process essay

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By: Albert L. , Ph.D. With increasing frequency, colleges and universities are making use of Web-based plagiarism checking services to scan papers for stolen material. Steps Process? And the consequences can be dire: at one end of the spectrum, a failing grade for rubric for research the assignment; at steps to write essay the other end, dismissal from an academic program. If you are intentionally plagiarizing in your paper, thesis, or dissertation, this should give you pause. Be Illegal Essay? But if you are not intentionally plagiarizing, there could still be reason for concern. Plagiarism checking software catches an ever-growing amount of appropriated material--and sometimes the student has not even meant to do anything wrong! In what follows, I'd like to offer some simple tips for avoiding plagiarism of the steps to write essay unintentional variety. 1. Know what constitutes plagiarism. Simply put, plagiarism is the use of the words or ideas of another person without giving credit to the person from whom they are borrowed. Rubrics? Right off the steps to write process essay bat, this tells us something important: you can't simply change a few words of a borrowed text (so that the the loyalists passage is steps to write process no longer a direct quotation) and think that you are out of danger. Unless the coursework material is steps "common knowledge," a citation is needed for any material you borrow--whether it is a direction quotation, a paraphrase, or even just an idea. 2. Know what your professor will look for. Even before the advent of the why abortion computer, professors caught students who plagiarized; the Internet has just made it much, much easier. So what might give a clue to a professor that the material you've presented as your own really came from someone else? Fluctuations in style Vocabulary that isn't typical for you Harsh connections between passages Deviations in to write process the point of view from marking rubric essay which the text is written Contradictions in the theories or positions maintained in the paper The failure of the paper to to write process, address the specific topic assigned (suggesting it may have been borrowed or purchased) The unavailability in your university/college library of the sources referenced in the paper The use of exclusively Web-based sources Recognizing the material (Your professor is probably an expert in this field, after all!) On its own, nothing on this list is a guarantee that material has been plagiarized. However, the combination of several of these points will certainly raise suspicions and will probably cause your professor to dig deeper. 3. Know how anti-plagiarism programs work. Becker On Human Capital? If your college, university, or professor is using a Web-based anti-plagiarism service, it's a good idea to know what the program searches for. If you're intentionally plagiarizing, chances are that you won't outsmart these programs; if you're not intentionally plagiarizing, understanding the programs will help you to avoid plagiarizing inadvertently. Anti-plagiarism programs currently in use do a combination of the following: Search the Internet for word strings that may have been lifted. The easiest way to get caught plagiarizing is to take something from to write a source available on the Internet. Essay Addiction? You will almost certainly get caught, as even the steps to write simplest and cheapest programs do this much. Search cached sources . Even if your source is no longer available on the Web, it may still be available to essay, the anti-plagiarism search as long as it was on the Web at one time. Search databases of papers, theses, dissertations, articles, and to write process books, usually comparing your paper against millions of archived sources. This means that even print sources that have never been available on the Internet may turn up in the search. Compare documents . This allows professors and rubric universities to submit multiple papers (even over a number of steps process essay years) to compare them for material that they share in common. Make internal comparisons . The more sophisticated programs use algorithms to examine sentence structure and synonyms, allowing them to catch even paraphrased material that has not been copied exactly. 4. Rubric? Don't cut-and-paste. By definition, if you are doing this, you are borrowing material, and you're likely to leave clues (see tip #2, above). NOTE that this rule applies even to borrowing your own material from papers you've written previously. If you ignore this rule, then be sure to cite the source of whatever you've borrowed. 5. Don't paraphrase without citing the source . Yes, it's plagiarism even if you change the words. If it's someone else's idea, a citation is needed. Always. 6. Always use quotation marks (or block quote formatting) if you use someone else's words. No exceptions. Period. 7. Know your style sheet . Each academic style sheet (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian), has its own conventions for citing sources. If you don't follow the to write right conventions, you could inadvertently wind up being accused of stealing the material. 8. Beware of ap essay "common knowledge." This is the one big gray area--what really is "common knowledge"? If there's the slightest doubt in your mind, find the steps to write essay source and essay gambling cite it. If you can't find the source, drop the material from steps to write essay your paper. 9. Rubric For Research? Get your work edited . Whether you rely on a professional editing service, a professor, someone from your college's writing center, or a really smart friend, a second set of eyes may catch what you missed, saving you a major hassle in the end. Wishing you success in your writing, Article Source: Plagiarism - Top 10 Ways to Stay Out of Trouble When Writing Your Dissertation, Thesis, Or Paper. Academic concerns like this are among the wide array of writing issues we deal with at process essay EditsMadeEasy, an online editorial agency offering coaching services, online writing classes, fact-checking, pre-publication services, and resume/career services--in addition to editing and proofreading, of course. Because more and more colleges and coursework universities are making use of to write Web-based anti-plagiarism programs, our company has decided to include free anti-plagiarism checking on every thesis and dissertation project--When it comes to plagiarism, you just can''t be too careful! To read more about other writing-oriented topics, visit our blog at This Article is Brought to you by: Short description about your link. Short description about your link. How to Write Analytical or Argumentative Research Papers. Research papers can be easily differentiated from personal essays on the basis of the ap essay rubrics extensive research that is executed before the steps essay writing of writing such papers. Research papers thus act as that creative output in which the wri. How to Find Research Paper Topic Ideas. The first source of research paper topic ideas should always come from your academic faculty. Usually the steps to write head of your course will provide a list of research paper topics and you will be required to pick one which you are . How to succeed on essay assignments: Remember that it is more professional to essay addiction, submit your essay assignment in word-processed form. Steps To Write Process? . Be well informed about your topic. Sociology Dissertation? To add to your knowledge of a topic, read thoroughly about to write process, it, using legitimate sources. Take notes.

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Applications for the Krannert School of Management must be completed using Purdue’s Graduate School online application. International applicants must follow a slightly altered application process. Any individual who is not a permanent resident or citizen of the to write essay United States is classified as an international applicant. If you are a  Permanent Resident, non-U.S. Citizen , please provide a copy of your alien registration/green card within the online application. Permanent residents who do not provide a copy of an alien registration number will be reclassified as an international student for admission consideration and marking rubric, fees. Applications will not be considered until all required materials have been received.  This includes submission of a non-refundable application fee of $60 (U.S. dollars) for essay, domestic applicants and $75 (U.S. dollars) for international applicants, payable online by credit card. Non-degree applicants will not be charged an application fee. Sponsored Students:  Select Summer 2017 on the admissions application for your mandatory start in the Business English Bootcamp program. Please visit our Applications Deadlines page for a complete deadline schedule. Description of Application Materials. Completed Online Application. All sections of the Purdue Graduate School online application must be completed in order for the application to be submitted. The Purdue MBA and ap essay, MS Programs requests that applicants apply to only one program per year. ** Please Note: After submitting your application, you must also complete the required online (KIRA) Video Essay. Your application will not be reviewed without the Video Essay. For ease of steps review, please include the essay question as a 'title' above your response. [Required] Statement of Purpose (500 words max): Please submit a statement introducing yourself to the Admissions Committee. Some topics you may wish to discuss include a brief academic and professional background, reason for writing sociology, seeking an MBA or Master’s degree at steps essay Purdue, desired career path after graduation and your thoughts on giving back as a student and as an ap essay alumnus. Please note: The Diversity Fellowship Applicant Essay is not required for admission consideration to steps to write, our programs. You are welcome to complete the writing dissertation Diversity Fellowship Essay should you feel you meet the specific criteria for the Fellowship award. This Fellowship is awarded through the Purdue University Graduate School independently from the to write process essay Krannert School of Management admission process. [Required] Integrity (500 words max): What does integrity mean to you? How does integrity relate to the loyalists, building communities of trust in academic, personal and professional settings? What expectation should Purdue have towards its students with regards to academic integrity? What consequences should students face when standards are not upheld? [Optional] (300 words max): If you feel there are any parts of your application that require additional explanation, or if there is any additional information you wish to share with the Admissions Committee, please use this optional essay as an opportunity to do so. [Required] Please describe your experience and/or philosophy as a leader, supervisor or team manager (500 words max): What are some of the key challenges and steps, successes you’ve had or expect to have? [Required] Team/Cohort Approach (500 words max): What are your expectations of a peer and team-based learning environment in for research, which you go through the program with the same group of steps to write process essay students? (As part of your answer, please mention what skills you bring to why abortion should be illegal essay, working within such an approach, with an emphasis on how you best learn and how you help others learn.) [Optional] (300 words max): If you feel there are any parts of steps to write essay your application that require additional explanation or if there is any additional information you wish to share to help us fully understand your application, please share that information within this essay.  We prefer that recommenders be employers who are able to essay on human capital, render an opinion on the basis of close, current, and sustained observation. We strongly urge (but do not require) that one recommendation be from your direct supervisor. Recommendations from friends, family members, acquaintances, and other sources unable to evaluate professional or academic qualifications for process essay, MBA study are not acceptable. Why Abortion Essay. No more than two recommendations are needed. We require that recommenders submit the recommendations online. (No paper recommendations will be accepted) Instructions are provided within the online application. Please note that we will not receive your application until your recommendations have been submitted. Academic Transcripts and Applicant Eligibility. Any individual who is not a permanent resident or citizen of the to write United States is classified as an be illegal international applicant. In order to steps to write, be considered for coursework, admission to the Krannert School of Management, international applicants must hold a bachelor degree or its equivalent from an accredited college in the U.S. or abroad . This requires 16 years of education in a University setting, which must be the equivalent of a four year U.S. To Write Process. Bachelor’s degree. Correspondence courses do not meet this requirement. Transcripts must indicate “grades earned” for all courses taken. Ap Essay Rubrics. Please note that a summary of semester totals alone does not meet this requirement. Documents stamped with ‘True Copy’ will not be accepted, which will potentially delay admission consideration. To Write Essay. If you were educated outside the sociology dissertation United States, and the native language of the steps process essay country where you were educated is not English, you must upload both a certified official transcript in the original language of instruction and a certified official English translation. *You must also upload a certified official copy of your diploma/degree certificate in the original language of instruction and a certified official English translation. All applicants must upload to the online application transcript(s) and/or academic document(s) for every institution of the loyalists coursework higher education attended. If a transcript and to write process essay, diploma/degree certificate is not in English, an English translation (certified by the college or university which issued it) must be uploaded. The uploaded transcript and/or academic document must be from the official version of the gambling document. Steps To Write Essay. An official transcript bears the original signature of the registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. If personal identifying information such as a student identification number or social security number appear on writing sociology the document, REMOVE THIS INFORMATION from your electronic version of your document or mark out the steps to write process essay information in encyclopedia essay capital, black ink before scanning your document. Degree-Seeking Applicants:   Upload a transcript for every institution of higher education attended, including evidence of a baccalaureate degree awarded, into the online application. If you are currently studying for a baccalaureate degree, you will later be required to submit a document that verifies the awarding of to write that degree. Non-Degree Applicants: If you are applying for non-degree classification, you must upload evidence of a baccalaureate degree which could include a transcript, a copy of the should be illegal diploma or a degree certificate verifying the degree. All transcripts and/or academic documents uploaded to the online application system are considered unofficial .  The Purdue University Graduate School reserves the right to require official transcripts and/or academic documents at any time during the admissions process. You will need to provide official transcripts and/or academic records only at steps to write process essay the request of the graduate program or in the event of writing sociology dissertation a favorable admission decision and you choose to enroll . An official transcript bears the steps process original signature of the marking rubric registrar and/or the original seal of the issuing institution. Official documents should be submitted to: Office of Graduate Admissions. Young Hall, Room 170. West Lafayette, IN 47907-2114. Transcripts and/or English translations must be mailed directly from a Registrar’s office to the Office of Graduate Admissions. (You can choose to steps process essay, send the transcripts yourself, but the transcripts must be in an envelope sealed by marking, the Registrar). The Office of Graduate Admissions also accepts electronic transcripts from accredited U.S. colleges and to write essay, universities sent via eSCRIP-SAFE, Docufide, Parchment Exchange or directly from the why abortion should be illegal accredited U.S. college and to write, university. Rubrics. The transcript must be sent to  Official Language Test Scores. Applicants whose native language is to write, not English are required to why abortion should essay, submit one Language Assessment Test for admission to to write process essay, the Purdue University Graduate School. Essay. Students can choose from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Purdue University Office of Graduate Admissions will discontinue the acceptance of Pearson Test of English (PTE) scores. Process Essay. This will take effect for ap essay, all applicants to all MBA and MS programs beginning with Spring 2019 semester and beyond.* The Graduate School accepts all valid forms of TOEFL testing. Krannert School of Management requirements are: Paper based-test (minimum score of 600), computer based-test (minimum score of 260), and Internet-based test (minimum score of Writing 20, Speaking 22, Listening 18, Reading 22, and Total bandwidth 93). For the Internet-based test, all 5 minimum scores must be satisfied. Only official TOEFL scores received directly from Educational Testing Service are acceptable. For further information, visit TOEFL scores must be reported to Purdue University’s Graduate School. Please use institution code 1631.  The Graduate School accepts International English Language Testing System (IELTS) scores. Krannert School of Management requirements are: An overall band score of essay 7.5 is required for admission, with 7.0 required per each section. For more information, visit *(See above) The Graduate School also accepts the Pearson Test of the loyalists coursework English (PTE) Academic scores. Krannert School of Management requirements are: An overall score of 70 is to write, required for admission. For more information, visit All scores must be documented by an official report from the Educational Testing Service, IELTS, or PTE *(See above) and must be no more than 24 months old at why abortion should the time the steps process essay application credentials are reviewed by the Graduate School. As an international student, you may be considered for the loyalists coursework, an English language assessment test waiver only if you have obtained a baccalaureate degree, graduate or professional degree within the past 24 months from a college or university where English is the primary language of instruction, in a country where English is the native language.   In order to meet this requirement, receipt of degree must fall within the 24 month period when your documents are under review by the Krannert School of Management and Purdue University Graduate School.  Test scores expire on the first day of the month in which they were taken. Note: Please do not submit your application until test scores are provided. Steps. It is recommended that you submit only the scores you intend to have reviewed by the Admissions Committee. The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) is required for the MS(A) Program.  Click Here for encyclopedia on human, special GMAT Waiver Information for Purdue University students (only) applying to the MS (Accounting) program. The GMAT is the preferred method of testing for steps essay, the MBA & MS Programs.  It is designed to evaluate an applicant’s ability to be successful in marking rubric for research, an MBA Program.   However, the Admission Committee will consider the GRE in lieu of the steps process GMAT if an applicant has already taken the the loyalists coursework GRE exam.  The GMAT is steps, also preferred in scholarship and graduate assistantship consideration. We recommend applicants plan to take the GMAT at least two weeks prior to the loyalists coursework, your application deadline. Official test score reports should be sent to the specific program you have applied to at Purdue University, and process essay, must be received by the deadline to sociology, which you are applying.  Admission decisions are not finalized until official scores are received.  (Visit for complete information regarding the test.) The name of the program you are applying to is the 'code' required for to write process essay, reporting your GMAT score.  Reference the following:  Master of Business Administration, Full-Time  Master of Business Administration, Weekend  MS in Human Resource Management  MS (Finance)  MS (Accounting)  MS (Business Analytics and rubric, Information Management)  MS (Global Supply Chain Management)  MS (Marketing) Please note: Applicants to the Master of to write process essay Science in Human Resource Management (MSHRM), MS Business Analytics and Information Management (MSBAIM) and MS (Finance) may also substitute the why abortion be illegal Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for the GMAT. Supplementary Information for International Students.

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I think this article reopens its audiences eyes. Tying in themes of nevering forgetting the past since the past is a preview of the steps future, and that the most important thing we can do for ourselves and for this world is to limit waste. Using examples like comparing lifestyles during the Great Depression, when everything was savored since there wasn’t much of anything, and then life post World War II, when people started living frivolously again, shows how quick people forget what just happened when things get a little better. And now with the economy the way it is who knows if it could have been prevented if people had still been cautious throughout the years after the Depression. Before reading this essay I came to similar conclusions about people forgetting about not just past very important events such as the becker encyclopedia on human Great Depression, and steps to write process essay Revolutionary War, but also more recent past like 9-11. Last year as senior in a school not far from New York City, I was sitting in marking essay my economics class and we were watching a video about survivors from the attacks of 9-11. A moment i will remember forever, as i sat in to write essay the cafeteria as a sixth grader, unsure of what was going on. Rubric For Research. This documentary had clips of firemen inside the buildings trying to steps to write process save lives as you heard shattering glass in the background. Gambling. Which we learned later were actually the sound of shattering bones from people jumping from the burning higher floors. Thats when a girl sitting next to me looked away and steps to write process made a sound of disgust and said “Why do people keep making us watch this, i’m sick of seeing it.” And thats just what this article is talking about. People don’t care until it negatively effects them right then right there, they aren’t looking towards the future, and sadly not learning from the past either. Everyone was so unified and gung ho about essay on human capital fighting terrorism, to never let this happen ever again, and there i sat seven years later with an ignorant girl saying she’s tired of seeing it. What about the steps to write people that have to rubrics deal with it everyday because loved ones are no longer by steps to write their side? Or what about the group of people who created this monstrosity that are still out essay addiction, there probably planning another attack? But since she is comfy sitting in her designer clothes in a rather nice community, why should her day be dampered by visions of planes crashing into steps to write process, some buildings? Embracing the unfair past and using those teachings to lead a better life and to make progression into the future, not digress. This concept is also explored by essay addiction DeBlieu when she writes “I’m adequately fed and housed (especially in comparison to most people in the world). I’m well traveled and I feel loved. What could be better? To which my conscience replies; It would be better to bequeath a clean, healthy world to our children. It would be better to to write live carefully and essay addiction avoid wasting natural resources, even if it means doing without a few creature comforts.” Even though this essay was one of the shorter ones we’ve had to to write essay read, I found it probably the most influential and motivating, and very effective in its purpose, making me reflect. FWR #5 “Black Men and essay Public Space” by Brent Staples. As a white female, Brent Staples really portrays the process essay other perspective that I, along with many others, have never experienced or thought twice about. Why Abortion Be Illegal Essay. Stereotyping made by many people when they see a black man approaching, especially in city areas and when its at steps to write, night, is something that is horrible to essay consider happening, however it takes place all the time, whether the threat be legitimate or not. I think that this type of racial profiling is process very unfortunate and degrading to the man just walking home from work after a long day, just to be met with a person assuming they are going to do something harmful and illegal just because of how they look. However i almost find it more sad that Staples now takes “precautions” to make himself look less threatening, just because some ignorant people are a bit skitterish. Don’t get me wrong safety is very important and should be taken seriously, but a predator doesn’t always have the profile of black male. I thought it was very clever starting with “My first victim was a woman” showing that even through all his hardships he’s met concerning his appearance, he can still make a joke about marking essay it. This also indicates the type of person he is. Which is further reinstated when he discusses his reputation back home and how he now is steps careful to make people feel more comfortable with his presence. FWR #4 “American’s Entitled to Cheap Gas-Right? First off i think its very funny how this reading is about the “outrageous” gas prices when it just reached $2.31. Funny how most of the loyalists coursework us would give our left arm or first born for steps process essay, that price now. This reading is quite sarcastic and pretty funny however its also pretty sad since it makes fun of the person that just might be sitting next to you. It tells how the Americans perspectives on life can at times be a bit skewed. And although countries criticize and degrade us, its pretty ironic when its been proven in studies that they would make the same decisions we do if they had the chance. I think the least paragraph and last sentence are pretty interesting when Joan Ryan writes “Therefore, since this situation is rubrics not of essay our own making, we should not have to the loyalists coursework pay higher gas prices and give up the big-car life to steps to write process essay which we have become accustomed…And if there is one thing American’s believe in, it is doing what’s right.” A nice little dig at the group of rubrics people which she is steps to write essay also included in, but at the same time, and more crazily is becker essay on human capital that people believe she’s being serious and they agree. I also really liked the part when she says “To put this complex social dynamic in steps to write process the parlance of the latest psychological research: It is not our fault.” Using a bigger vocabulary and words that scream intelligence and truth like psychological research, following up with the ever so simple “It is not our fault” (something everyone likes to hear) again she tricks us into a false sense of comfortability and encyclopedia essay content with our actions. I wonder what she would write about today’s gas prices. FWR #3 “The Last Stop” by Brian Cable. In Brian Cable’s essay titled “The Last Stop” he observes a funeral home. His descriptions were well thought out and his choice of words even fit to the theme. The description of the lighting in the room set the stage for the gloomy and dark atmosphere associated with death when Cable says “… cutting the light to a soft glow.” He reiterates this statement of darkness later by describing the chapel saying it was also dull and not well light. However Cable does change the setting of light when describing the room holding the caskets that were for to write process essay, sale. This “display room” was well lit and bright, showing the change in emotion and how this, as sad as it is for some, is how others make a living. Therefore there’s the need for a different atmosphere when doing the business end. Addiction. This concept of the business side was also stated when Cable describes the funeral home owner on the phone saying he sounded like a broker. However even sitting in the office Cable brought the to write sense of death back into play when he described the desk as being “bone” clean and when he described the coursework owner as looking dead like a skeleton. Essay. And since he looked like a skeleton its only fitting he had a boney desk. Cable also describes the warped perception Howard Deaver, the owner, has of why abortion be illegal essay his unusual business, when Mr. Deaver comments about the previous service saying “It was a large service…look at to write essay, the casket- a beautiful work of essay gambling craftsmanship.” Basically focusing on someone else’s life’s work instead of basing the size of the service on the life of the process deceased. This is rubrics taken further when Howard says how “A proper funeral remains a measure of respect for steps to write, the deceased.” But then later says how many are being cremated due to it being “…a cheap, quick, and easy means of disposal.” The word disposal when referring to for research essay a final end to a someone’s loved one, doesn’t really measure up to to write essay the level of sociology dissertation respect every funeral is suppose to have. I think Brian Cable’s creative language throughout the essay really helped capture the to write process essay readers attention and get them thinking more about what he was truly saying by using certain words. I think by incorporating similar tricks of the loyalists word play and creative observation for a bigger purpose like Cable did in his essay would definitely make ours better. FWR #2 “At Ole Miss, the Tailgaters Never Lose” by William L. Hamilton. This observational essay described Hamilton’s experience at steps to write process, an Ole Miss football game against Wake Forest. However, although that was the setting of the essay, Hamilton’s writing had nothing to do with the football game. Instead it described the tailgating and writing dissertation the history behind where it all takes place. The football game, only lasting a few hours is what brings everyone together, but the tradition of the Grove and what it represents is what makes the people stay for three days. Hamilton describes just how powerful the grove is to alumni by saying “…they’re not just walking over essay, land-ground- they’re walking back through time…” as they come back to the place where they spent the best four years of becker capital their lives. To Write Process. And although the Grove brings back personal memories it also is becker essay on human capital a place of historical significance. Referring to when Ole Miss was integrated in 1962. Also when an steps essay ordinary boy yells out rubric for research essay, ” ‘Are you READY?!’ ” and process essay the whole Grove responds together, the reader can’t help but feel the why abortion should be illegal unity and love that everyone partying under those tents is feeling. No matter what they’re drinking, eating or wearing they feel the pride and intensity the Grove represents. Pride that we here at Auburn feel every game day too, is an unexplainable feeling that I think everyone in their life should have the opportunity to experience. This essay is a timeless piece that can be easily understood by all ages and steps essay all types of marking rubric essay people, even if they have never attended an Ole Miss game or even a football game for that matter, due to Hamilton’s observations and thorough descriptions. To Write Process Essay. And although Ole Miss lost their football game the tailgating always pulls through victorious on unifying a diverse group of coursework people for one amazing reason and a main theme in this essay…tradition. It really makes me excited for this weeks game against LSU!! WAR EAGLE!!
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