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My mother essay in tamil

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Here is essay in tamil, your essay on marriage, it’s meaning, functions and forms! Marriage and arundati 2010, family sociologically signifies the stage of in tamil, greater social advancement. It is indicative of toefl essay model, man’s entry into the world of emotion and feeling, harmony and culture. Long before the institution of marriage developed, man and woman may have lived together, procreated children and died unwept and unsung. Their sexual relations must have been like birds and animals of momentary duration. Image Courtesy :–Zyo4IJENYk/TtuIdHcjm-I/AAAAAAAACwQ/Rg89UBiMU0A/s1600/lklk.jpg. Marriage as an institution developed over the time. It may have been accepted as a measure of social discipline and as an essay, expedient to eliminate social stress due to the sex rivalry. The growing sense and sensibility may have necessitated the acceptance of norms for formalising the union between man and woman. Marriage is the most important institution of human society. It is a universal phenomenon. It has been the backbone of human civilisation. Human beings have certain urges like hungers, thirst and sex. Society works out certain rules and automatic essay generator, regulation for my mother, satisfaction of these urges. The rules and regulations, which deal with regulation of sex life of human beings, are dealt in the marriage institution. We can say that the Marriage is thesis on nanotechnology, as old as the institution of family. My Mother! Both these institutions are vital for the society. Family depends upon the Marriage. Marriage regulates sex life of arundati, human beings. Marriage creates new social relationships and reciprocal rights between the spouses. It establishes the rights and the status of the children when they are born. Each society recognises certain procedures for creating such relationship and rights. The society prescribes rules for prohibitions, preferences and prescriptions in deciding marriage. It is this institution through which a man sustains the continuity of my mother essay in tamil, his race and attains satisfaction in a socially recognised manner. Sociologists and automatic essay, anthropologists have given definitions of essay in tamil, marriage. Some of the important definitions are given below. Edward Westermark. “Marriage is roy essays 2010, a relation of one or more men to one or more women which is recognised by custom or law and involves certain rights and duties both in the case of the essay in tamil, parties entering the union and in arundati, the case of the children born of it. As B. Malinowski defines, “Marriage is essay, a contract for the production and maintenance of children”. According H.M. Johnson, “Marriage is a stable relationship in tan, which a man and a woman are socially permitted without loss of standing in community, to have children”. Ira L. Reiss writes, “Marriage is a socially accepted union of individuals in husband and wife roles, with the key function of legitimating of parenthood”. William Stephens, the anthropologist, says that marriage is: (1) A socially legitimate sexual union begun with. (2) A public announcement, undertaken with. (3) Some idea of performance and assumed with a more or less explicit. (4) Marriage contract, which spells out reciprocal obligations between spouses and essay in tamil, between spouses and their children. William J. Goode, the generator, famous family sociologist has tried to combine the essay in tamil, two objectives of marriage i.e. to regulate sex life and to recognize the paper on nanotechnology, newborn. It was perhaps for this reason that American sociologists came out with the statement that no child should be born without a father. Although different thinkers have tried to provide definition of marriage, but there is essay in tamil, no universally acceptable definition of marriage. There seems to be, however, a consensus that marriage involves several criteria that are found to exist cross-culturally and throughout time. Roy Essays 2010! For example, Hindu marriage has three main objectives such as Dharma, Progeny and Sexual Pleasure. Individual happiness has been given the least importance. It is considered to be sacrament, a spiritual union between a man and a woman in the social status of husband and wife. In Western countries, marriage is a contract. Personal happiness is given the utmost importance. People enter into matrimonial alliances for essay, the sake of seeking personal happiness. If this happiness is-not forthcoming they will terminate the relationship. Marriage is thus cultural specific. The rules and regulations differ from one culture to another. We can, however, identify certain basic features of this institution. (1) A heterosexual union, including at least one male and one female. (2) The legitimizing or granting of approval to the sexual relationship and the bearing of children without any loss of standing in the community or society. (3) A public affair rather than a private, personal matter. (4) A highly institutionalized and patterned mating arrangement. (5) Rules which determine who can marry whom. (6) New statuses to man and woman in the shape of husband and wife and father and mother. (7) Development of personal intimate and paper, affectionate relationships between the spouses and my mother essay in tamil, parent and children. (8) A binding relationship that assumes some performance. The above discussion helps us to conclude that the generator, boundaries of marriage are not always precise and clearly defined. It is, however, very important institution for my mother essay, the society as it helps in replacement of old and essay, dying population. Marriage is an institutionalized relationship within the family system. It fulfills many functions attributed to the family in my mother, general. Family functions include basic personality formation, status ascriptions, socialization, tension management, and replacement of members, economic cooperation, reproduction, stabilization of adults, and the like. Many of these functions, while not requiring marriage for their fulfillment, are enhanced by the marital system”. In fact, evidence suggests marriage to be of great significance for the well-being of the individual. Researchers have shown that compared to the unmarried, married persons are generally happier, healthier, less depressed and disturbed and less prone to premature deaths. Marriage, rather than becoming less important or unimportant, may be increasingly indispensable. The functions of marriage differ as the structure of marriage differs. ‘For example, where marriage is specially an extension of the kin and extended family system, then procreation, passing on an apa research the family name and continuation of property become a basic function. Thus, to not have a child or more specifically, to not have a male child, is sufficient reason to replace the my mother essay, present wife or add a new wife. Where marriage is based on what thesis statement for oedipus the king “free choice,” i.e. parents and kinsmen play no role in selecting the my mother in tamil, partner, individualistic forces are accorded greater significance. Thus in the United States, marriage has many functions and involves many positive as well as negative personal factors : establishment of a family of one’s own, children, companionship, happiness, love, economic security, elimination of loneliness etc. The greater the what good thesis statement for oedipus, extent to which the in tamil, perceived needs of thesis, marriage are met, and the fewer the alternatives in the replacement of the unmet needs, the my mother, greater the likelihood of marriage and the continuation of thesis on nanotechnology, that marriage. At a personal level, any perceived reason may explain marriage, but at a social level, all societies sanction certain reasons and renounce others. Societies evolved mannerism and method for selection of the spouses, according to my mother in tamil their peculiar socio-economic and political conditions, and in is a thesis the king, accordance with their levels of cultural advancement. Essay In Tamil! This explains on the one hand the origin of the thesis paper on nanotechnology, various forms, of marriage and on the other the differences in the attitude of societies towards the institution of marriage. Some have accepted it as purely a contractual arrangement between weds, while others hold it as the sacred union between man, and woman. Forms of marriage vary from society to society. Marriage can be broadly divided into essay in tamil, two types, (1) monogamy and what statement, (2) polygamy. Monogamy is that form of marriage in which at a given period of time one man has marital relations with one woman. On the death of the my mother, spouse or one of the partners seek divorce then they can establish such relationship with other persons but at a given period of time, one cannot have two or more wives or two or more husbands. This one to one relationship is the most modern civilized way of living. In most of the good thesis statement, societies it is this form, which is found and recognized. It should be noted that on a societal basis, only about 20 per my mother essay in tamil, cent of the societies are designated as strictly monogamous, that is, monogamy is the required form. When monogamy does not achieve stability, certain married persons end their relationship and remarry. Thus, the second spouse, although not existing simultaneously with the first, is sometimes referred to as fitting into a pattern of sequential monogamy, serial monogamy or remarriage. Keeping in view the advantages of monogamy the world has granted recognition to monogamous form of marriage. The following are its advantages: 1. Better Adjustment: In this form of marriage men and women have to on nanotechnology adjust with one partner only. In this way there is better adjustment between them. 2. Greater Intimacy: If the number of people in the family will be limited there will be more love and affection in the family. Because of which they will have friendly and deep relations. 3. In Tamil! Better Socialization of Children: In the monogamy the children are looked after with earnest attention of parents. The development of modes of children will be done nicely. There will be no jealously between the parents for looking after their children. Family happiness is maintained under monogamy which is completely destroyed in other forms of marriage because of jealousy and tan, other reasons. Essay In Tamil! Thus, in this form of marriage, family is defined as happy family. 5. Equal Status to on nanotechnology Woman: In this form of marriage the my mother in tamil, status of thesis paper, woman in essay, family is equal. If husband works she looks after the roy essays, house or both of them work for strengthening the economic condition of the family. 6. Equalitarian way of Living: It is only under monogamous way of living that husband and wife can have equalitarian way of my mother essay in tamil, life. Under this system husband and wife not only share the familial role and obligations but also have joint decisions. The decision making process becomes a joint venture. 7. Population Control: Some sociologists have the view that monogamy controls the population. Because of one wife children in the family will be limited. 8. Better Standard of Living: It also affects the standard of essay model, living within limited resources. One can manage easily to live a better life. It helps in the development of independent personality without much constraint and pressure. 9. Respect to old Parents: Old parents receive favouring care by their children but under polygamy their days are full of essay, bitterness. 10. Law is in favour: Monogamy is legally sanctioned form of marriage while some are legally prohibited. 11. More Cooperation: In such a family there is close union between the couple and the chances of what statement the king, conflict are reduced and there is cooperation between husband and wife. It is more stable form of marriage. There is better division of property after the death of my mother, parents. Monogamy is a marriage between one husband and one wife. Automatic Essay Generator! So if the partner is essay in tamil, not of choice then life loses its charm. They have to adjust between themselves but now-a-days divorce is the answer to their problem. According to Sumner and Keller, “Monogamy is monopoly.” Wherever there is monopoly, there is bound to essay be both ‘ins and outs’. Some inpatients can’t have kids or some barren cannot have kids. If one of the partners has some problem couples cannot have children. They have to suffer from childlessness. 4. Economic Factors: Marriage in monogamy does not play part of income. They have to my mother depend upon their own occupation for living. If they are poor they will remain poor. So monogamy effects the economic condition of man and woman. 5. Better status to Women: Monogamy provides better status to women in the society. They are counted equal to men. Some people do not like this form of marriage. When they do not get partner of their own choice they start sexual relations with other people. This also leads to the problem of on nanotechnology, prostitution. Distinguished from monogamy is polygamy. Polygamy refer to the marriage of several or many. Polygamy is the form of marriage in which one man marries two or more women or one woman marries two or more men or a number of men many a number of women. According to F.N. Balasara, “The forms of marriage in which there is plurality of partners is called polygamy”. Polygamy, like other forms of marriage is highly regulated and normatively controlled. It is likely to be supported by the attitudes and values of both the sexes. Polygamy itself has many forms and variations. My Mother In Tamil! Polygamy is of three types: (i) Polygyny, (ii) Polyandry and on nanotechnology, (iii) Group marriage. Let us now discuss forms of polygamy in details, Polygyny is a form of marriage in in tamil, which a man has more than one .wife at a time. In other words it is a form of marriage in which one man marries more than one woman at a given time. It is the prevalent form of marriage among the tribes, Polygyny also appears to be the privilege of the wealthy, in many African societies the rich usually have more than one wife. This type of marriage is found in Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya and Uganda. In India, polygyny persisted from the tips on writing an apa, Vedic times until Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. Now polygyny is my mother, visible among many tribes of India. Viewing polygyny cross-culturally, poiygynous families evidence specific organisational features: 1. In certain matters, sex particularly, co-wives have clearly defined equal rights. 2. Each wife is set up in a separate establishment. 3. The senior wife is given special powers and privileges. It has been suggested that if co-wives are sisters, they usually live in the same house; if co-wives are not sister, they usually live in separate houses. It is believed that sibling can better tolerate, suppress and live with a situation of sexual rivalry than can non-siblings. Polygyny may be of two types: (i) Sororal polygyny and (ii) Non-soraral polygyny. Sororal polygyny is one in which all the wives are sisters. Roy Essays 2010! Non-sororal polygyny means the marriage of one man with many women who are not sisters. 1. Disproportion of sexes in the Population: When in any tribe or society male members are less in number and females are more, then this type of marriage takes place. 2. In Tamil! Out-migration of male Population: To earn the livelihood male members migrate from one society to another. This way there is a decrease in the number of males than females and polygyny takes place. Hypergamy also gives rise to polygyny. Under this system the thesis paper on nanotechnology, parents of lower castes or classes want to improve their social status by marrying their daughters in the higher caste or classes. 4. Desire for male Child: Among the primitive people importance was given to make children than females. Thus man was free to have as many marriages as he liked on my mother the ground to get male children. In some societies number of automatic essay, wives represented greater authority and status. Particularly the leaders of primitive society increased number of wives in order to prove their superiority. A single marriage was considered a sign of essay in tamil, poverty. So where marriage is generator, taken as sign of prestige and prosperity the custom of in tamil, polygyny is natural. 6. Economic Reason: Where the toefl, people of the poor families were unable to find suitable husbands for their daughters they started marrying their daughters to rich married males. 7. Variety of Sex Relation: The desire for variety of sex relations is another cause of polygyny. Essay! The sexual instincts become dull by roy essays 2010 more familiarity. It is stimulated by novelty. 8. Enforced Celibacy: In uncivilized tribes men did not approach the women during the period of pregnancy and while she was feeding the child. Thus long period of enforced celibacy gave birth to second marriage. In uncivilized society more children were needed for agriculture, war and status recognition. Moreover, in some tribes the birth rate was low and death rate was high. In such tribes polygyny was followed to obtain more children. 10. Absence of children: According to Manu, if wife is unable to have children, man is permitted to have more marriages. My Mother Essay In Tamil! He further says if a wife takes her husband then he should live with her one year and arundati roy essays 2010, take another wife. 11. Religious Reasons: Polygyny was permitted in the past if wife was incapable of forming religious duties in her periodic sickness because religion was given significant place in social life. 12. Patriarchal Society: Polygyny is found only in the patriarchal society where more importance is given to males and male member is the head of the family. (1) Better status of essay in tamil, children: In polygyny children enjoy better status. They are looked after well because there are many women in the family to care. (2) Rapid growth of is a statement the king, Population: In those societies where population is very less and birth rate is almost zero, for those societies polygyny is best suited, as it increases the population at faster rate. (3) Importance of Males: In polygyny males occupy higher status. More importance is given to husband by several wives. (4) Division of Work: In polygyny there are several wives. Therefore, there is a proper division of work at home. (5) Variety of Sex Relations: Instead of going for extra marital relations husband stays at home because his desire for variety of sex relations is fulfilled within polygyny. (6) Continuity of Family: Polygyny came into existence mainly because of inability of my mother, a wife to produce children. Polygyny provides continuity to the family tree. Model! In absence of essay in tamil, one wife other women in the family produce children. 1. Lower status of automatic generator, Women: In this form of marriage women have very low status; they are regarded as an object of pleasure for their husbands. They generally do not have a right to take decisions about their welfare; they have to depend upon their husband for fulfillment of their basic needs. 2. In Tamil! Jealousy as stated by Shakespeare: “Woman thy name is jealousy”. When several wives have to share one husband, there is bound to be jealousy among co-wives. Arundati 2010! Jealousy leads to inefficiency in their work. They are not able to socialize their children in a proper manner in such atmosphere. 3. Low Economic Status: Polygyny increases economic burden on the family because in many cases only husband is the bread winner and whole of the family is dependent on my mother essay him. 4. Population Growth: This type of marriage is harmful for developing society and poor nations because they have limited resources Further increase in population deteriorates progress and development of that society. 5. Fragmentation of Property: In polygyny all the children born from different wives have share in father’s property. Jealousy among mothers leads to property conflicts among children as a result property is divided and toefl essay, income per capita decreases. 6. Uncongenial Atmosphere: Polygyny does not promise congenial atmosphere for essay, the proper growth and development of paper, children. There is lack of affection among the members. My Mother Essay! As such families have large number of members. They fail to provide proper attention to all of them. This gives rise to many immoral practices in the society. It is a form of marriage in which one woman has more than one husband at on writing an apa research a given time. According to K.M. Kapadia, Polyandry is a form of union in which a woman has more than one husband at a time or in essay, which brothers share a wife or wives in common. This type marriage is prevalent in few places such as tribes of good thesis for oedipus, Malaya and some tribes of India like Toda, Khasi and Kota etc. Polyandry is of two types: (i) Fraternal Polyandry and. (ii) Non-Fratemai Polyandry. (i) Fraternal Polyandry: In this form of polyandry one wife is regarded as the wife of all brothers. All the brothers in a family share the essay in tamil, same woman as their wife. The children are treated as the offspring of the eldest brother, it is found in some Indian tribes like Toda and Khasis. This type of marriage was popular in Ceylon (Srilanka at present). (ii) Non-Fraternal Polyandry: In this type of polyandry one woman has more than one husband who is not brothers. They belong to different families. The wife cohabits with husbands in tips on writing an apa research, turn. In case of Fraternal Polyandry, the wife lives in the family of her husbands, while in case of non-fraternal polyandry, the wife continues to stay in the family of her mother. This type of in tamil, polyandry is found among Nayars of tips research, Kerala. 1. Lesser number of Women: According to my mother in tamil Westermark, when the number of women is lesser than the number of males in a society, polyandry is found. For example, among Todas of Nilgiri. But according to Brifficult, polyandry can exist even when the number of women is not lesser e.g. in Tibet, Sikkim and Laddakh polyandry is found even though there is not much disparity in the number of men and women. In some tribal societies female infanticide is present; as a result these female population is thesis paper on nanotechnology, less than male population. Further males do not enjoy good status. My Mother! Therefore, one female is married to a group of arundati roy essays 2010, brothers and polyandry exists. 3. Matrilineal System: Just in contrast to above noted point, it has also been argued that polyandry exists in matrilineal system where one woman can have relationship with more than one man and the children instead of getting the name of father are known by mother’s name. Polyandry exists in such areas where there is scarcity of natural resources. It is for this reason many men support one woman and essay in tamil, her children. In societies where there is bridge price, polyandry exists. Brothers pay for one bride who becomes wife of tips research paper, all of them. 6. Division of Property: To check the division of ancestral property polyandry is favoured. When all the brothers have one wife then the question of division of property does not arise. 7. Production and labour: Polyandry not only avoids division of property but it also increases production in agriculture. All the brothers work together because they have to support only one family. Thus production and income increases, further there is no expenditure with regard to my mother in tamil labour because all the husbands contribute their share of work. Polyandry exists in some societies mainly because of customs and traditions of that particular society. Toefl Essay! Generally, polyandry is found in such areas which are situated far away from modern developed areas. (1) Checks Population Growth: It checks population growth because all the male members of the family share one wife. As a result population does not increase at that rapid rate, the way in in tamil, which it occurs in polygyny Therefore, it limits the tips on writing research, size of the family. (2) Economic Standard: Polyandry helps to unhold the economic standard of the family. It strengthens the economic position of the family because all the members work for the improvement of the essay in tamil, family. (3) Greater Security: With large number of 2010, males working after the family affairs, other members of the family especially women and children feel quite secure. Greater security among the members develop sense of we-feeling among the members of the family. (4) Property is kept Intact: In polyandry family does not get divided. The property of the family is held jointly and thus it is kept intact. (5) Status of my mother in tamil, Women: In polyandry one woman is wife of large number of husbands. As a result she gets attention of all the members and tan, thus enjoys a good status in the family. She feels quite secure because in the absence of one husband other males are there to fulfill her basic needs. When all the men have to share one woman, family quarrels and tensions are ought to be there. Husbands feel jealous of one another which adversely effect congenial atmosphere of the family. When children have large number of fathers they fail to select appropriate model for themselves. This adversely effects their personality configuration. (3) Health of the Woman: It adversely effects health of a woman because she has to satisfy several husbands. My Mother! It not only has negative effect on automatic the physical health but also on mental health of the woman. According to essay in tamil biologists if the same woman cohabits with several men, it may lead to sterility, further lack of sex gratification give rise to extra-marital relationship of husbands. In matrilineal system where polyandry is found husbands do not enjoy high status. They do not give their name to the children. (6) Lack of Attachment: In many tribes where polyandry exists husbands do not live permanently with their families. They are visiting husband who visit the family for a specific period. They do not get love and affection of their children because children feel unattached to their fathers. (7) Less Population: This form of marriage decreases population growth. In some tribal societies where polyandry continues to exist may get extinct after a gap of few years. This is another outcome of an apa, this practice. Group marriage is essay, that type of marriage in which a group of men marry a group of women. Each man of male group is considered to be the husband of every woman of female group. Similarly, every woman is the wife of every man of male group. Pair bonded or Multilateral marriage are the substitute term for group marriages. This form of marriage is found among some tribes of New Guinea and Africa. In India group marriage is practised by the Toda Tribe of Nilgiri Hills. Except on an experimental basis it is an extremely rare occurrence and may never have existed as a viable form of an apa paper, marriage for my mother in tamil, any society in the world. The Oneida community of New York State has been frequently cited as an example of group marriage experiment. It involved economic and sexual sharing based on generator spiritual and religious principles. Like most group marriage on my mother record, its time span was limited. Rarely do they endure beyond one or two generations. Levirate and Sororate: In levirate the thesis, wife marries the brother of the dead husband. If a man dies, his wife marries the my mother essay in tamil, brother of her dead husband. Marriage of the widow with the dead husband’s elder brother is called Senior Levirate. But when she marries to the younger brother of the dead husband, it is called Junior Levirate. In Sororate the husband marries the sister of his wife. Sororate is again divided into two types namely restricted Sororate and simultaneous Sororate. In restricted sororate, after the death of one’s wife, the man marries the sister of his wife. In simultaneous sororate, the sister of one’s wife automatically becomes his wife. Concubinage is a state of what is a statement the king, living together as husband and wife without being married. It is my mother in tamil, .cohabitation with one or more women who are distinct from essay, wife or wives. Concubinage is sometimes recognised by various societies as an accepted institution. A concubine has a lower social status than that of a wife. The children of my mother, a concubine enjoy a lower status in the society. Leave a Reply Click here to cancel reply. You must be logged in to post a comment. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages:

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Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same. By using our Services, you represent and warrant that (a) all registration information you submit to is good thesis statement for oedipus the king truthful and accurate; (b) you will maintain the accuracy of my mother essay such information; (c) you are 18 years of age or older and/or have full legal capacity to what is a thesis statement the king enter into legally binding relations; and (d) your use of the Services does not violate any applicable law, regulation, and/or your college/university/school rules. Your profile may be deleted and essay in tamil, Services provided to you may be terminated without warning, if we believe that you are less than 18 years of an apa research paper age and/or do not have full legal capacity to enter into legally binding relations. Subjected to full compliance with these Terms and Conditions, shall provide academic writing services as described more fully on the Website (“Services”). Services may include, but not be limited to, providing our Clients with dissertations, research papers, book reports, term papers, and other types of assignments written by team (“Paper”) which are intended for research/reference purposes and for your personal use only. In Tamil. Services may include editing, proofreading, paraphrasing, or formatting existing papers of our Clients. Please note that rewriting an existing paper that contains 40% or more plagiarized content may qualify as providing you with a custom Paper and shall be charged for accordingly. Please note that Services may be provided only to tips on writing an apa research paper the users who submit an appropriate order form at essay the Website and may charge fees for thesis paper such Services. The Services are provided according to the provisions of my mother these Terms and Conditions and on writing research paper, the specific commercial provisions and my mother essay, policies (including Privacy Policy, Refund Policy, etc.) as detailed on the Website, and these provisions and policies may be amended or changed from time to time. The format of the Papers we provide: 12 point Times New Roman; Bibliography on a separate page; Approximately 250 words per page; One inch margin top, bottom, left, right; Title and Reference pages are free of charge. In case Client needs a single-spaced Paper they are to pay a double fee. The standard Paper formatting includes a Title page , main content of the Paper, and a Reference page. Note that you pay only for model the main content of the essay in tamil, Paper, while a Title page and a Reference page are provided free of charge. Generator. reserves the right to use any relevant materials available, such as books, journals, newspapers, interviews, online publications, etc., unless the Client indicates some specific sources to my mother essay be used. PLACING AN ORDER. When placing your order, you must provide accurate and complete information. Automatic. You are solely responsible for any possible consequences and misunderstandings, in case you provide us with inaccurate and/or incorrect and/or unfaithful information. Please be advised that you will be asked to give final confirmation to the instructions you provide in order details. Your Paper instructions should be confirmed in your Order Tracking Area within 3 hours after placing your order (and within 1 hour for orders with urgency less than 24 hours). Orders without instructions will not be worked on and may be delayed and you accept sole responsibility for my mother in tamil such delay. guarantees that the is a good the king, delivered Paper will meet only my mother essay in tamil, confirmed requirements. You must not change the tips, instructions once you have confirmed them. My Mother In Tamil. Any alterations to confirmed instructions are considered as additional order, thereby requiring additional payment. All payments are due upon receipt. If the payment is not received or payment method is essay declined, the in tamil, Client forfeits of Services. All fees are exclusive of all taxes and/or levies, and/or duties imposed by thesis paper, taxing authorities, and you shall be responsible for payment of all such taxes and/or levies, and/or duties. You agree to my mother pay any such taxes that might be applicable to your use of the Services and what is a good the king, payments made by you under these Terms. If at any time you contact your bank or credit card company and my mother essay, decline or otherwise reject the charge of any payment, this act will be considered as a breach of your obligation hereunder and your use of the toefl model, Services will be automatically terminated. Use of stolen credit card and/or any credit card fraud is considered to be a serious crime. Essay In Tamil. closely cooperates with our payment provider to prevent and fight online fraud. In case of any online fraud, appropriate state authorities will be contacted immediately. By doing a chargeback, you agree to give up all your rights to the Paper automatically. At the same time, you authorize to publish the completed Paper and start the tips on writing an apa paper, authorship procedure that will allow us to determine if you have used any parts of the Paper. The procedure may include contacting your school officials and/or posting your full details along with the completed Paper online. reserves the right to change its prices at in tamil any time in its sole discretion and such changes or modifications shall be posted online at the Website and become effective immediately without need for further notice to any Client and/or user. We care about our Clients and are always looking for ways to offer them the best value for what thesis statement for oedipus money. One method we use is a discount system. My Mother In Tamil., at its sole discretion, shall have the right to provide our Clients with discount programs as described more fully and roy essays, published on the Website. According to our loyalty program, you earn back 10% of your total bill in Points (1 currency unit (inter alia USD/ EUR/ GBP etc.) = 1 Point) after you make your first order. Your Points are accumulated on your Credit Balance. Essay. “Credit Balance” is an thesis paper account for Points of my mother in tamil a Client which can be used for future purchases on the Website exclusively. You can use your Points for your next purchases on the Website exclusively. Your Points cannot be refunded. The discount may be obtained by the use of the thesis, promo code. The amount of Points added to the Credit Balance is calculated on the basis of the order price excluding the applied discount (if any). Later, 5% of my mother every next order (not including credits) is added to your Credit Balance. will issue a refund to you only automatic essay generator, according to these Terms. offers a 14-day money back period for Papers less than 20 pages and a 30-day period for Papers more than 20 pages (”Refund Period”). Refund Period begins on the date of Client`s order deadline and expires on my mother the last day of the Refund Period. In case you are not satisfied with any of the Services, you can submit a refund request according to these Terms within the Refund Period. Once the Refund Period elapses, will not refund any amounts paid. If the order is not completed and/or the Paper is not downloaded or delivered in its complete form by or to you, the full refund is issued at is a good for oedipus any time. In the essay in tamil, event of order cancellation, the funds will be debited back only to the account of the initial payment within 5-7 business days from the time of cancellation request. In other case assesses refund requests on a case-by-case basis as there are usually unique reasons as to why a refund request is made. Please note that if you request a refund, we may require documented proof that the quality of your order is low (e.g., scan copy of your instructor’s feedback, plagiarism report, etc.). Should you feel it necessary to make a refund request, we will immediately forward your order to our Quality Assurance Department. After comparing their findings with the reasons for dissatisfaction, the necessary corrective actions will be taken. Tan. Any refund request must be made within the Refund Period. In case reimburses the money because of my mother essay mistakes or some irrelevance to the initial instructions, our Quality Assurance Department, at its sole discretion, evaluates the quality of the Paper and thesis, refunds an amount comparable to the percentage of incorrect content in my mother essay in tamil the Paper and paper on nanotechnology, mistakes present in it. provides various methods of contact (i.e. My Mother. email, telephone, message board, and thesis paper on nanotechnology, live chat) to facilitate communication between you, us and my mother, the writer assigned to complete an order. Using any of these methods, our Customer Support Center is available to you at any time and will respond to any refund request or other issue promptly. However, if such a request is not received using any of the aforementioned methods within the Refund Period, will not be obliged to honor or consider the above said request. Should the Paper delivery be delayed due to unexpected circumstances, from the side of essay model, we may provide compensation for my mother essay the breach of the what statement for oedipus, order deadline in the form of a credit or a discount to be used towards your next order with us. Please be informed that delivery time deviation is not a subject to refund. Any revision request or complaint in regards to my mother essay in tamil a Paper that has provided must be made within the revision period (“Revision Period”). Model. offers a 14-day Revision Period for Papers less than 20 pages and a 30-day period for Papers more than 20 pages. Revision Period begins on the date of Client`s order deadline and expires on essay the last day of the Revision Period. After that point, no revision and/or complaint will be accepted. recognizes that orders vary in size and automatic essay, complexity; as a result, dissertation, thesis and/or other sufficiently large assignment may be granted 30-day Revision Period. Sufficiency in the size of the Paper will be determined by my mother essay in tamil, in its sole discretion. In case a request for tan revision is not submitted within the Revision Period, tacitly accepts that the Client is satisfied with the Paper and requires no further actions to be taken in regards to the Paper unless extra payment is provided or a new order is placed. Upon receiving your completed assignment you are entitled to a free revision should the Paper fail to meet your instructions or defined the in tamil, requirements in any way. When this is the case, you are entitled to request as many revisions as may be required to make the Paper consistent and compliant with your instructions. During the automatic essay, Revision Period the essay, request for revision may be made at any time. All revisions must be based on the original order instructions. If at tan the time of the revision request you provide new, additional, or differing instructions, this will be interpreted as an application for new Paper and thus, will require an additional payment. Furthermore, should you request a revision after the Revision Period, it will also be considered as a new order requiring an additional payment. We may require you to my mother in tamil supply us with personal identifying information, and we may also legally consult other sources to obtain information about you. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, you authorize us to make any inquiries we consider necessary to validate the information that you provide us with. Toefl Essay. We may do this directly or by verifying your information against third party databases; or through other sources. Essentially, verification procedure involves, inter alia, confirming that the my mother, order is authentic and that the cardholder is aware of charges by placing a phone call to them, and in certain cases by requesting some additional documents to be submitted for verification to our Risk Department. 2010. In order to ensure timely delivery of your order, this procedure must be completed quickly and without delay. Therefore, it is vital to provide accurate and valid phone numbers. Failure to verify an order may result in in tamil order cancellation or the essay generator, order being placed on hold. You consent to our processing your personal information for the purposes of providing the Services, including for verification purposes as set out herein. You also consent to the use of such data for essay in tamil communicating with you, for essay statutory and my mother essay in tamil, accounting purposes. You acknowledge that you have read and consented to's Privacy Policy. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY. will not be liable to you in relation to the contents of, the use of, or otherwise in good thesis statement connection with, this Website: for failure to learn the material covered by essay, the Paper; and. for your final grade; and. for the outcome or consequences of submission the Paper to any academic institution; and. excludes all liability for damages arising out of or in connection with your use of this Website. The latter includes, without limitation, damage caused to your computer, computer software, systems and programs and arundati, the data thereon, or any other direct or indirect, consequential and incidental damages. The Paper provided to you by remains our property and is the my mother essay, subject to copyright and other intellectual property rights under local and international laws conventions. The Paper is intended for your personal use only and it may not be used, copied, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, broadcast, displayed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for 2010 any other purposes without our prior written consent. You agree not to engage in essay in tamil the use, copying, or distribution of tan Papers other than expressly permitted herein. We post Clients` testimonials on our Website which may contain personal information (first name or initials). Essay. Hereby by accessing or using this Website, you provide us with your consent to post your first name/initials along with your testimonial on automatic essay generator our Website. We ensure our posting these testimonials does not interfere with your confidentiality. If you wish to request the removal of your testimonial, you may contact us at essay in tamil [email protected] NOTIFICATION OF CHANGES. reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at is a good statement any time and your continued use of the Website will signify your acceptance of any adjustment, improvements and/or alterations to these Terms and Conditions. You are, therefore, advised to re-read these Terms and Conditions on my mother in tamil a regular basis. This web site is owned and operated by Viatta Business Ltd. HEXO+ Self-Flying Camera Drone, with a suggested retail price of automatic generator $1,249.00 USD (В«Main prizeВ»). FreePage (single use) SMS inform (single use) Plagiarism Report (single use) 50$ to my mother essay your bonus balance which you can use in 365 days 100$ to your bonus balance which you can use in 365 days. 2. Promotional Period. The promotion begins on 7.18.2017, at 9:00 am and ends on 7.28.2017 at paper 10:00 pm. This Privacy Policy (“Policy”) describes how information about You is collected, used and my mother, disclosed and automatic essay, provides other important privacy information, describes when and how we may change this Policy, and tells You how to contact us with any questions or comments. We collect information about You and computer(s) You use when You use our Services or otherwise interact with us. “Personal Information” means information that we directly associate with a specific person or entity (for example: name; addresses; telephone numbers; email address; payment information; device location etc.). “Client”, “User”, “You” and “Your” refers to essay you, the person accessing this Website and accepting these Privacy Policy. Essay. Any use of the above terminology or other words in the singular, plural, capitalization and/or he/she or they, are taken as interchangeable and therefore as referring to same. HOW INFORMATION ABOUT YOU IS COLLECTED. We collect information about You in in tamil three primary ways: Information You Provide. We collect information that You provide to us when You apply for and use and/or purchase our Services or otherwise communicate with us. For example, some of the ways You may provide information to toefl essay model us include: When You purchase our Services, the payment system will require your personal, contact, billing and credit information. When You establish or modify Your user account online, We may collect user identification information, passwords, and/or security question responses that You will use for future sign-on. When You interact with our Customer Service representatives, enter information on our Website, submit survey responses, or pay for Services, we may also collect Personal Information and other information. We may monitor and record phone calls, e-mails, live chats, or other communications between You and our Customer Service representatives or other employees or representatives. Information We Collect Automatically. We automatically collect a variety of information associated with Your use of our Services. Each time You visit the my mother in tamil, Website, Personal Information is toefl essay model automatically gathered. My Mother. In general, this information does not identify You personally. Examples of automatically collected personal information include, but are not limited to: IP address, Collection Date, Publisher Name, Connection Speed, Day of essay model Week Time of Day (hour), Language settings, Country, City (relating to IP address, if available). For example, some of the ways we may automatically collect information include: Cookies and similar technologies. A “cookie” is a small text file that a web site can place on Your computer's hard drive in order, for example, to collect information about Your activities on the Website. The cookie transmits this information back to the Website's computer, which, generally speaking, is the only computer that can read it. My Mother Essay. We need to use cookies on the Website to enhance the user experience and tan, avoid multiple logins or password authentication requests. We may use, or we may engage third-parties to use on our behalf, cookies or similar web tags (small data text files placed on your computer or device) or similar technologies to my mother essay identify Your computer or device and record Your preferences and other data so that our Website can personalize Your visit(s), see which areas and features of our Website are popular, and improve our Website and research, Your experience. Depending upon Your computer, You may be able to set Your browser(s) to reject cookies or delete cookies, but that may result in the loss of some functionality on the Website. We may also use web beacons (small graphic images on a web page or an HTML e-mail) to monitor interaction with our websites or e-mails. Web beacons are generally invisible because they are very small (only 1-by-1 pixel) and the same color as the essay in tamil, background of the web page or e-mail message. Web Browsing Activity. When accessing our Website, We automatically collect certain information about Your computer and Your visit, such as your IP address, browser type, date and time, the web page You visited before visiting our Website, Your activities and purchases on our Website, and other analytical information associated with the Website. Information From Other Sources. We may also obtain information about You from other sources. For example, We may receive credit information from third-party sources before initiating Your service. We may also purchase or obtain Personal Information (for example, e-mail lists, postal mail lists, demographic and is a good statement for oedipus, marketing data) from essay in tamil, others. HOW WE USE INFORMATION WE COLLECT ABOUT YOU. We use the information We collect for a variety of arundati roy essays business purposes, such as: To provide and essay, bill for Services You purchase; To deliver and confirm Services You obtain from us; To verify Your identity and maintain a record of Your transactions and interactions with us; To provide customer services to You; To create, modify, improve, enhance, remove or fix our Services and their performance; To identify and suggest products or services that might interest You; To make internal business decisions about automatic essay generator current and future Service offerings; To provide You customized user experiences, including personalized Services offerings; To protect our rights, interests, safety and property and that of our customers, service providers and other third parties; and. To comply with law or as required for legal purposes. We may use Personal Information for investigations or prevention of fraud or network abuse. We may use information we collect to in tamil contact You about our and/or third-party products, services, and offers that We believe You may find of interest. Toefl. We may contact You by telephone, postal mail, e-mail, or other methods. You may see advertisements when You visit our Website. My Mother. We may help advertisers better reach our customers by paper, providing certain customer information, including geographic information, language preferences or demographic information obtained from my mother in tamil, other companies. This information is used by advertisers to determine which ads may be more relevant to You. Automatic. However, we do not share Personal Information outside of our corporate family for my mother in tamil advertising purposes without Your consent. WHEN WE SHARE INFORMATION COLLECTED ABOUT YOU. We do not sell, license, rent, or otherwise provide Your Personal Information to unaffiliated third-parties (parties outside our corporate family) without Your consent. We may, however, disclose Your information to unaffiliated third-parties as follows: With Your Consent. We may disclose Personal Information about automatic essay generator You to essay third-parties with Your consent. Is A Thesis For Oedipus. We may obtain Your consent in writing; online, through “click-through” agreements; when You accept the terms of disclosures for certain Services; orally, when You interact with our customer service representatives. We encourage You not to share Your password. If You provide Your user account password and/or security question responses to my mother in tamil third parties they will have access to on writing an apa paper Your Personal Information when they access Your user account with Your account password. To Our Service Providers. We may disclose information to third-party vendors and partners who complete transactions or perform services on essay in tamil our behalf (for example, credit/debit card processing, billing, customer service, auditing, and marketing). In a Business Transfer. We may sell, disclose, or transfer information about You as part of tan a corporate business transaction, such as a merger or acquisition, joint venture, corporate reorganization, financing, or sale of company assets, or in the unlikely event of insolvency, bankruptcy, or receivership, in my mother in tamil which such information could be transferred to generator third-parties as a business asset in the transaction. For Legal Process & Protection. We may disclose Personal Information, and other information about You, or Your communications, where we have a good faith belief that access, use, preservation or disclosure of such information is reasonably necessary: to satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or enforceable governmental request; to enforce or apply agreements, or initiate, render, bill, and in tamil, collect for services and products (including to tan collection agencies in order to obtain payment for my mother our products and services); to protect our rights or interests, or property or safety or that of what is a good others; in connection with claims, disputes, or litigation – in court or elsewhere; to facilitate or verify the appropriate calculation of taxes, fees, or other obligations; or. in an emergency situation. We may provide information that does not identify You personally to third-parties for essay in tamil marketing, advertising or other purposes. HOW WE STORE AND PROTECT THE INFORMATION COLLECTED ABOUT YOU. Protecting Your Information. We use a variety of physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards to protect Personal Information from toefl model, unauthorized access, use, or disclosure while it is under our control. Unfortunately, no data transmission over the internet can be guaranteed to be completely secure. As a result, although we will utilize such measures, we do not guarantee You against the loss, misuse, or alteration of Personal Information under our control, and You provide Personal Information to us at essay Your own risk. You should always take care with how You handle and disclose your Personal Information and should avoid sending Personal Information through insecure e-mail, social networks or other internet channels. Retention and Disposal. We retain information only for as long as we have a business or tax need or as applicable laws, regulations and/or government orders allow. When we dispose of Personal Information, we use reasonable procedures designed to erase or render it unreadable (for example, shredding documents and tan, wiping electronic media). PRIVACY POLICY UPDATES. How We Communicate Changes to This Policy. We may update this Policy at any time to essay in tamil provide updates to or clarification of tan our practices. If we make changes we may provide You with additional notice (such as adding a statement to the homepage of our Website or sending You a notification). You should refer to this Policy often for the latest information and the effective date of any changes. This web site is owned and operated by Viatta Business Ltd . A Partner is an individual who refers customers. A Referral is an individual who requests a service via the referral link given by a Partner. With the first order, a Referral acquires a 15% discount on my mother the order, while a Partner receives $50 to thesis on nanotechnology the Referral Balance. With further purchases, a Partner earns 5% of the Referral’s total order price. All money earned with the my mother essay, Referral Program is 2010 stored on essay in tamil your Referral Balance. A Partner can transfer the money to what is a good the Bonus Balance and use it to purchase a service. My Mother Essay. It is possible to transfer the sum to the Partner’s PayPal account (no less than $20).

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Bound to my mother essay in tamil, your University specification. You can bring your work ready printed or we can print it for you. We have four speeds of service for binding – 2 days, Next day, 5 hours and 2 hours. These services are available at all times – no booking required. Next day and 2 days binding service brought in roy essays, before 12pm will be ready 1 or 2 working days later at the same time. 5 hours and essay 2 hours binding service can be taken during any working hours and do not include time for printing. On busy days we cannot guarantee printing for a same-day service sent by email. Please come to toefl essay model, the bindery with your pdf ready to print. Call for essay availability. These prices are for A4 portrait binding. For other sizes, please see BESPOKE. For lettering in essay model, other colours – silver, black, white – add an extra charge of my mother in tamil, ВЈ5 . All hard bindings are properly sewn and case bound in library buckram cloth to your University specifications. Lettering in tan, gold on my mother in tamil the spine( degree, year, name) and front cover (title, name, degree, year) are included in the price. Prices are for arundati roy essays A4 200 pages or less of up to 100 gsm paper. Over 200 pages add ВЈ10 extra per copy. Perfect bound to University Specifications. The binding is in hard wearing library buckram on essay in tamil flexible card and has a contemporary square spine. Up to 300 pages 100 gsm. Over 300 pages – add ВЈ12 per copy. Including gold lettering on spine (degree, year & name). Front lettering – ВЈ5 extra per copy. Stitching (if necessary) – ВЈ10 extra per copy. Black card back and clear plastic front with a black strip on the spine. Can be used as a temporary binding but is strong and attractive enough for permanent use. Other card colours and spine strips may be available. May also have card front and back. Up to 300 pages of up to an apa research, 100 gsm paper. Over 300 pages – Add ВЈ12 extra per copy. Stitching (if necessary) – ВЈ10 extra per copy. We accept PDF files by essay in tamil email, CD or memory stick. The standard paper we use is 100 gsm top quality satinated white paper (ISO14001) Same day courier delivery to many London Universities – ВЈ18. (e.g. UCL, Institute of Education, University of London, etc. ) Next day delivery to most of UK: Over 10 Kg to UK and worldwide delivery – prices on application. Here are some examples of our Thesis and Dissertation binding. Click on a thumbnail to see a larger version. What paper is used for thesis binding? The standard paper we use is tips research paper, 100 gsm top quality satinated white paper (ISO14001) How should I prepare my thesis? For best results please ensure that your paper is in good condition, flat and without folded corners. What is the difference between hard, soft and simple binding? A hard bound book has the pages sewn together and a cover made of hard board covered in in tamil, cloth. A soft bound book has the pages glued together and covered in cloth, like a paperback book. Simple binding has the tips research, pages glued together, with a see-through plastic on my mother the front, card on the back and what thesis for oedipus the king a strip on my mother essay the spine. What does “perfect bound” mean? Perfect bound is another name for a soft bound book. No stitching at all. Do you offer spiral binding? No. We offer simple binding which has the pages glued together and a strip on the spine, instead of the spiral. An Apa Research Paper! Spiral binding weakens the book because of the hole punching. Why is there extra cost for binding a book which is over 200 or 300 pages? We charge extra as there is essay in tamil, more work involved. What lettering should be embossed on good statement the king the spine and my mother essay the front of the hard/ soft cover? Most universities have their own specifications regarding the lettering. What Thesis Statement For Oedipus The King! Unless there are not strict requirements, the standard is “Degree, Name and Year” on the spine and “Title of dissertation and Name” on the front. Please be aware that this may vary. Can pages be changed after the binding is my mother essay in tamil, completed? Yes, but it depends on how many. A few present no problem. Tan! A large amount are difficult to disguise and a reprint would be the best option. We charge ВЈ2 a page for changes. How long does a 2 hour binding service take? Well, the binding takes 2 hours, but does not include the printing time. Are you open at essay, weekends? No. We are open 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday. Can you do a quicker service than 2 hours? Generally yes, but you will need to contact us first. Will you check that my pages for essay binding are in my mother essay in tamil, order? Yes, if we do the printing. Tan! No if you have it printed yourself. If we see something wrong with the printing you have supplied, we will contact you. What is the in tamil, difference between embossing lettering on the spine upwards and downwards? Why has it got to be a pdf file? A pdf file is an image so the formatting does not change as opposed to Word that can change the format. Why has the document got to be saved in a single file? To avoid any confusion with the order of the document. If the file is too big to be attached to toefl, the email, you can use dropbox, yousendit, etc,to send it to us. Does the binding price include printing costs? Binding prices do not include printing costs (every dissertation has got a different number of my mother essay, pages we have to print; also there is a price difference between colour and b&w pages) Is the printing time included in tips, the binding time? No, please allow between 30 minutes to 1 hour on top of the binding time (this may vary during busy periods) Can you print double sided? If I need a double sided printing am I charged for just 1 page or 2? You will have to pay for 2 pages. Although is essay in tamil, one sheet of paper we print on both sides of the sheet. Can we print in tips on writing research, different kind of papers? Like glossy, matt, etc. Yes, we can. Please contact us for in tamil further information of the different types of paper. We can print from paper 80 gsm to 300 gsm whether is my mother in tamil, matt or glossy on A4 and A3 size. 1. PRINT - You can bring your work ready printed or we can print it for you. 3. CHOOSE BINDING - Hard, soft or simple. 4. CHOOSE SERVICE - We have four speeds of service for binding - 2 days, Next day, 5 hours and 2 hours. These services are available at all times - no booking required. 5. COLLECT or DELIVER - Next day and paper 2 days binding service brought in before 12pm will be ready 1 or 2 working days later at the same time. Just like wood, paper has a grain direction. In bookbinding this direction is vitally important. Imagine a sheet of corrugated cardboard – it bends very easily in my mother, one direction and not the other. The same applies to a sheet of paper. On Writing An Apa! The two terms used are Long Grain and Short Grain. If you would like to my mother in tamil, send your binding to us and arrange return postage or courier delivery, please phone us for a quotation.
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