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How To Write an Essay Comparing Two Books. Writing A Good Comparative Essay. Quite often in american English (especially Literature) nowadays, students are being asked to write detailed essays – “controlled assessments” comparing themes in two books. Business Systems Cover? I am quite enjoying writing these How-To’s whilst I am reading books, and I think that they can be beneficial and useful. American Immigration Essay? I know last year I had to write an extended piece on ‘Of Mice and Men’ and ‘An Inspector Calls’. This post is inspired and based on my work for that. Here are my three main points on doing a good job. Know the quotes (relevant ones) How to analyse a quote. Whatever books you are comparing, you need to know them inside out, upside down and underwater. Honestly, I had an A4 exercise book dedicated to OM&M, and case to global one to AIS. You need to know the plot line in great detail, the immigration characters, their roles within the book, their responsibilities, their personalities, the way they change throughout the books, the backgrounds and it’s always helpful to know the number of hairs on their head. Jcu Essay Writng Product? You need to know when and american essay why the author wrote the books, and what message he or she was trying to give. John Paper? I had pages dedicated to Arthur Birling, and the way George treats Lennie. In my opinion, you should read the immigration policy books through so you get an understanding of the plot and characters. Then you should re-read the book chapter by john paper, chapter, making notes on all the characters and all the major events in the books (and any minor ones that are relevant). Write down how the characters progress, and what impression they seek to give. By now, you should be getting pretty hot on american, these books. So now, you should go through the book making lists of john adams quotes you like and immigration policy essay think you could use. Every quote has something to say, and you need to get a feel for the best ones. More on this next. Quotes are the heart and soul of values morals your essay. Literally the whole thing is based around them. When making lists of immigration essay quotes, you must be diligent in grouping them usefully. List them by essay scorer awhs, character, by theme, by essay, chronological order and anything else that may be of science use to you. You need to know your quotes off by heart. American Essay? This is no mean feat, but it makes the analyst cover letter whole process far easier, especially if you are writing for an exam (it saves you wasting time seeking out the immigration essay quotes in the book and copying them out that way). Quotes are your means of backing up what you’re saying in your paragraph. In school, we used the warming ‘seven steps to success’ method of analysing quotes. American Essay? I know it sounds cheesy, but it works very well, so here they are. 1. Find a relevant quote. 2. What is the suggested meaning of the quote. 3. Writng? Individual words within the policy essay quote. 4. Alternative interpretation. 5. Writers’ purpose. 7. Social historical context. Find a relevant quote: Whatever point you are trying to prove, you need to scorer choose a quote that has a lot to say about it. American? Once you’ve analysed a lot of quotes in practice (which you should do lots of!) you’ll be able to choose quotes like a true professional. This one comes with time. Suggested meaning: Here, you should write the basic meaning of the quote, and what it is science hypthesis, saying about the character (if it is a speech quote of course. Not all of the immigration best quotes are speech quotes). You should go into quite a lot of detail here. A quote is and beliefs, teeming with information, you need to pick it apart and lay it out on american policy essay, the page. Individual words: This is a great part of it, you can really show off here. John Thesis Paper? Pick a really interesting word,maybe something unusual. I can’t remember the exact quote, but Curley’s Wife wears ostrich feather shoes in OM&M. The fact that they are ostrich feathers is fairly ostentatious, as if she is trying to put herself across as a more classy type. It is american immigration essay, also a large, strong bird, but being flightless it will never fly away nor escape, just as CW is trapped on the ranch. Finally, an ostrich will stick its head in the sand when in trouble, instead of trying to avoid its problems. So you see? That’s just an case to global warming example for you. Alternate interpretation: This is another place where you can really show how clever you can get. If you can come up with a really good alternate interpretation of a quote that shows another aspect of things, then that’s some serious points. Try for an analogy or such like, or even try to link it to another quote. Writers’ purpose: It’s really good to be able to talk about what you think the author wants to get from policy his audience by using that particular quote. Is he or she trying to bias you against a certain character, or shock you in some way? In OM&M for example, the author has the characters talk about writng, Curley’s Wife in a negative manner before we even meet her, so we tend to think badly of her from the off. Read into the quote! Keywords: I don’t really know why this one comes in at number six, as you must be using key words and policy essay phrases all though your analysis. Sure, you could say ‘on the jcu essay writng product other hand’, but why say that when you could say ‘juxtapose to immigration policy this’ – be flamboyant with your language. Social Historical Context: This is the hardest one of them all in my opinion. It is very impressive if you can weave Social Historical Context (SHC) into your quote analysis. You’ll need to research what was going on in the time that the book was set. For example, in AIS, womens’ rights was starting to john thesis paper happen. It’s pre-WWII, and Birling voices his opinion on this. Thirdly, it’s also roundabout the time of the titanic. The Titanic can be used an analogy: the Birling family, like the immigration policy Titanic, are unsinkable. That is until the iceberg of the Inspector crashes through them, and they all start to fall apart. In OM&M, it is writng product, set in dustbowl America, where George and Lennie are bindlebums. Try and link things like this in your analysis. You don’t need to use every one of these in your analysis, but it’s best to try. Maybe you can’t think of an alternative interpretation for policy essay a quote, or you’re struggling to link it to SHC. Don’t sweat it, it’s okay. Neither do you have to do this in order. As long as you try to incorporate those elements you should get some good analysis down. It is likely you’ll have to compare to books relating to a common theme. Say “Compare How The Theme of Loss is Portrayed in OM&M and AIS” might be an exam question. Thus, you must have quotes relating to loss in each book. Since you should have a list of ‘loss’ quotes, use these. There are many different models you can use in writing an essay like this. You could have paragraphs on how they are similar and john adams thesis paper how they differ, or you could dedicate your paragraphs to a pair of characters (there are often a pair of characters, one from each book, that are similar enough to compare). The most important thing is the essay comparison. Each paragraph should have at least one quote from each book. Introduction and Conclusion. The introduction doesn’t have to be too impressive, just a few lines. Rephrase the question, name both of the book title and authors. Give a very brief summary of each plot if you like. If you can, insert an scorer awhs interesting quote here. You might like to write how you are going to compare the books, too. The conclusion however, must be top notch. You need to come to immigration essay a conclusion (this may be obvious, but some people are very vague. Be forthright!). You should sum up and and beliefs revisit your better points. It’s good to put your own opinion in, say which book you preferred the way whatever it is being portrayed in. Definitely get some quotes in here, don’t analyse them of immigration policy course, just weave them in. Related To Global Warming? I think if you can finish with a really good quote, that’s very impressive. For example, if you were comparing it, you could finish with “and it really was ‘much ado about nothing'”. Essay? Bang. I hope I have given you enough information on how to write a good essay comparing two books. I doubt this post will be as popular as the ‘How To Write A Book Review’ post, but I believe it could be invaluable if a student happens to come across it. Essay Awhs? Comment with any questions. I am plowing my way through ‘Going Postal’ right now, but I am rather busy. I might put another review up first.

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This book is undoubtedly one of the best I have ever read. Policy? I just finished reading it for jcu essay writng product, the second time. I have scanned numerous pages from the book which you can read here. For four hundred years - from the first Spanish assaults against essay, the Arawak people of Hispaniola in science the 1490s to the US Army's massacre of Sioux Indians at Wounded Knee in the 1890s - the indigenous inhabitants of North and South America endured an immigration policy essay unending firestorm of racism, slavery, cruelty, brutality and mass murder. Deniers and apologists for business, Spanish, English and other Western European colonialists try to argue that what happened to indigenous peoples in the Americas following Columbus was not genocide; that a “holocaust” did not occur. American Essay? Such a contention flies in the face of what actually happened and is more preposterous than those who like Ernst Zьndel deny that Hitler engaged in the same horrifying genocidal practice. Science? When you understand the real history of the invasion and occupation of the Americas by american immigration policy Western Europeans, any doubt about who were the “savages”, becomes indisputable – it’s the cover letter Christian white man. History professor David E. Stannard reveals that wherever Europeans or white Americans went, the native people were caught between imported plagues and barbarous atrocities, typically resulting in american immigration essay the annihilation of 95 percent of their populations. What sort of people carry out such horrendous things to systems cover letter, others, Stannard asks us. His highly provocative, yet apparent answer: pious Christians. American Essay? Probing deeply into ancient European and Christian attitudes toward sex, race, and war, he finds the cultural ground well prepared by the end of the Middle Ages for john, the centuries-long genocide campaign that Europeans and their descendants launched - and in places continue to wage - against the New World's original inhabitants. Advancing a thesis that is sure to create much outrage and subsequent controversy (where there really is none), Stannard contends that the perpetrators of the essay American Holocaust drew on the same ideological wellspring as did the later architects of the Nazi Holocaust. Studies To Global Warming? It is an ideology that remains perilously alive today, he adds, and american immigration essay, one that in recent decades has surfaced in American justifications for their national agenda of imperialistic expansion with the Biblical sounding name, “Manifest Destiny”, and subsequent large-scale military intervention in Latin America, Southeast Asia and the Middle East. At once sweeping in scope and analyst letter, meticulously detailed, American Holocaust is a work of impassioned scholarship that is immigration policy essay certain to ignite intense historical and moral debate. This well-researched scholarly book ought to be required reading for every high school history student. If you find the following passages I have scanned from the jcu essay book illuminating, albeit gruesome and shocking, you may want to listen to a lecture by immigration policy Professor Stannard on the 500 year serial genocide of Native American peoples here . Christopher Columbus and the Spaniards who followed him were particularly vile. But the English, French, Dutch and other Christian Western Europeans who followed them matched the jcu essay product Spaniards in their brutality and unmitigated cruelty. It is estimated that in islands of the West Indies where Columbus landed in immigration 1492 there were over systems cover, 8 million native inhabitants in the islands that Columbus’ ship first found (I decline to use the word “discovered” for obvious reasons). After his second voyage and by 1496 from one-third to a half were subjected to slavery, slaughter, disease and ultimate death. By 1535 they were extinct. Historians such as Stannard, Ward Churchill and Howard Zinn estimate that by the time the mass slaughter had stopped by the onset of the american immigration policy essay 20 th Century, between 100 and 150 million indigenous “savages” had been decimated by the “good” Christian white man. The reviews I have read of Professor Stannard’s book are for the most part highly complementary. Morals And Beliefs? But the immigration policy essay least credible critique of the very few negative reviews is that his estimate of Native American populations and mortality rates due to the actions of Christian Americans and Europeans in john adams the Western Hemisphere are inflated. Immigration Essay? That is hardly the case. If you check the research of modern anthropologists and history professors in American Indian Studies Departments, you find out that the numbers have been consistently and purposely under-counted right up until recent decades. The traditional "accepted figures" taught in the ethnocentric and outright racist “feel good” high school and college school history courses were deliberately skewed downwards and based on fabricated evidence. Hitler is documented as having said that he based his final solution for the Jews on the U.S. government's final solution of the "Indian problem". In the 1930s, this shocking program was ongoing - with the Vermont Eugenics Project and morals, other racist eugenics projects that specifically targeted Native Americans and African Americans to be surgically neutered and castrated. The policy continued right into the 1960s, when the american immigration policy Bureau of Indian Affairs run hospitals in paper the US were discovered to be using saline solution instead of vaccines on essay, native infants, engaging in jcu essay writng product experimental surgery on Native Americans, and to be neutering native women during C-sections so they could not have any more children. And it covertly continues today, with uncapped Uranium deposits on Navajo land in the American Southwest inflicting irreparable genetic damage to the people, with the Superfund site that magically "ends" at the border of the Akwesasne Reservation in Upstate New York and Canada, and many others (Winona LaDuke wrote an excellent book covering this continuing devastation in detail). This book is among the most absorbing, compelling, riveting, and painful, as well as emotionally distressing accounts of the invasion of the american immigration so-called New World I have ever read. The contents have been painstakingly and remarkably well researched and while both graphic and explicit in recording the sheer, wanton torture and undiluted butchery committed against the Native American Indian People, on a scale that is difficult to comprehend other than the from the perspective of consistency with dogmatic Christian doctrine. This account rapidly dispenses with centuries of a fabricated fantasy of liberal romanticism, fallacy, myth and propaganda, regarding the invasion of the Americas by Europeans. Why Columbus continues to be deemed some kind of national hero is essay scorer awhs beyond belief, an essay insult to one’s moral sensibilities - for the sheer scale of atrocities inflicted upon values morals and beliefs, the Native populace, throughout the American Continent he should, in actual fact, be reviled and despised just as much as Adolf Hitler for the “ultimate solution” to the “Jewish problem.” Not only did Native People have to contend with overwhelming, mind-numbing atrocities but also the influx of European diseases to which they had no immunity and which decimated their numbers still further. Policy? This was explained away by the European invaders and part of God’s plan. The portrait of unadulterated death, disease, misery and apocalyptic devastation endured by American Indian Nations is hypthesis inordinately difficult to imagine and can fully understand their motivations for consciously choosing not to conceive children, to spare them the horrors into american essay which they would, undoubtedly, have been born. As I poured through the pages, the more repulsed I became by the Christian roots of genocidal racism and extent to which Christian religious fervor and hypthesis, those in its alleged service to Christ contributed, on a massive scale to american policy, the overall intentional brutalities, slaughter and deliberate, willful annihilation of Native People who were deemed savages and not fit to analyst cover letter, live as non-Christians. What I feel is significant about this book is that it brings the situation up to american immigration policy essay, date and addresses the issue of john adams thesis paper vehement Anti-Indian attitudes prevalent throughout the Americas that still continues today. This was more than adequately illustrated when reading the sections on Central and South America Indian men, women and immigration, children who have been systematically murdered by agents of the local puppet governments or client states and their USA-CIA sponsored death squads that control them. They are destined to jcu essay product, die simply because they were Indians; native girls and boys have been sold on open slave markets; whole families have died in forced labor, while others have starved to death in concentration camps. More will be enslaved and more will die in the same brutal ways that their ancestors did, tomorrow, and every day for the foreseeable future. The killers, meanwhile, will continue to receive aid and american immigration essay, comfort and support from the United States government in order to satisfy their corporate agendas, the same government that oversees and encourages the john thesis ongoing dissolution of Native American families within its own political purview, itself a violation of the U.N. Genocide Convention through its wanton refusal to deal adequately with life-destroying poverty, ill health, malnutrition, inadequate housing, and despair that is american policy imposed upon essay scorer awhs, most American Indian Nations who still survive today. A recent national study highlighted that the highest percentage of U.S. hate crimes (per population) is directed not toward African Americans, but American Indian People and their Communities. Efforts to usurp Indian lands (or environmentally degrade them) abrogate Treaty Rights, erode Nationhood and Sovereignty, plunder burial sites, defile Sacred Sites and perpetuate stereotypical images of Native Peoples for the benefit of oil companies and other capitalist exploiters are not only american immigration, continuing but also escalating to alarming levels. The massive Oil Sands project in studies to global Northern Alberta which is devastating the natural environment, much of which is land that was once granted to the aboriginals, is a case in point. It took a high degree of courage to write a book such as this and expose the deliberate genocide willfully conducted against American Indigenous populations which, insidiously and clandestinely continues today unabated and which is perpetrated by the Anti-Indian movement, its allies and government federal policy. This has been and continues to american immigration policy, remain the heinous crime perpetually denied and values morals, lurking at the very heart of the american immigration policy United States and Canada, two countries that like to call themselves democracies. I particularly enjoyed the “Epilogue” a very insightful ending to the book as it highlights atrocities committed by U.S. troops in cover various theatres of essay war in Latin America and that for quite obvious political reasons have not been highly publicized or disclosed – unless you read marginalized writers who speak truth to power such as Noam Chomsky and Howard Zinn. In conclusion, I commend and wholeheartedly recommend this book to those individuals having a desire to learn more of the history and current issues confronting American Indian People but forewarn any potential purchasers that a strong stomach is required. As a person with Native American roots (my great grandmother was a Northern Alberta Cree), I must repeat, there is no doubt in my mind after reading so much of this sordid history that the “savages” were not my native ancestors, but the Christian white man. Finally, I would also recommend for further reading: “Bury my Heart at Wounded Knee” by Dee Brown, “A Little Matter of studies related warming Genocide” by Ward Churchill, “Neither Wolf nor Dog” by Kent Nerburn, ”The Earth Shall Weep” by James Wilson, ”In the Absence of the Sacred”, “ The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations” by Jerry Mander and “Anti-Indianism in Modern America” and “A Voice from american policy essay, Tatekaya Earth” by Elizabeth Cook-Lynn. Values Morals And Beliefs? Although, independently, all worthy tomes in their own right, I make these recommendations as I feel they strongly complement the work undertaken by David E. Policy? Stannard. When combined they provide an analyst cover all encompassing, comprehensive and overall dovetailed documentary of the american immigration policy essay genocide historically and currently conducted against the Independent and Sovereign American Indian Nations, The People and Original Inhabitants of the American Continent.
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